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Paper Models
Fairy-Tale Themes

Author: Lutz Pietschker
Version: 2010-12-31

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This is a collection of models that are related to fairy-tales and storytelling:

Picture Gallery

(Click image to show it in large size in a new window.)

A small scenery from Cinderella (Aschenputtel, in German), a children's model made by JFS.

(23x7x21 cm, 1.5 sheets A4)

This is an annversary card to celebrate two years of running our small theatre, a stage for telling fairy tales and other stories. It was called "Der Märchenbrunnen" (the fairy tale well), and the card is an A4-sized pop-up showing the stage, my wife as a storyteller, and four characters that featured in some of the performances we gave. The characters (a knight, a witch, the Italian dumb boy Vardiello, and the devil) can be moved in the fashion of toy theatre figures.

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Written and published by Lutz Pietschker. Please send comments about technical problems to the site master.
-Made with a Mac!-

, last change 2011-03-12