Paper Modelling
Lutz Pietschker
Version: 2023-03-04
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Note: Some (German) pages about my non-paper model steam engines are here.
Paper Modelling- An Old Hobby
This is true in a double sense: Paper modelling itself is not a "new age" thing; it goes back at least to the year 1802, when the first known book about paper modelling was published (Heinrich Rockstroh: "Anweisung zum Modelliren aus Papier"). In fact, it must of course have been older, for the thing must have had some addicts if someone undertook to write about it. By the way, even Goethe mentions that he used to construct and build paper model houses as a child, so it seems to be a cultural heritage as well. (The last remark was for the teachers among my readers.)
In a more personal sense, it is an old hobby for me, for I started with it in my early teens and have been at it, although with some rather long "inactive intervals", ever since. Below, you can also read something about
the models I built.
For me, the charm of paper modelling is its simplicity as far as
and basic construction are concerned, coupled with nearly endless options for enhancement and complexity. The range of models that are offered by many publishers around the world is huge, there is nearly nothing you don't find if you look for it. Also, it is fairly easy to construct paper models by oneself, or to at least add some improvement to bought models, which pleases my engineering spirit. And with each model anew, it is a small wonder to see 3D structures grow from flat pieces of cardboard.
If you are interested in the hobby, I can recommend a few web sites and books to start with:
Paper Model Related Links, a link list
Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus eV
(AGK), Germany
and, two German-language paper modelling forums
(aka JFS or Schreiber-Verlag), Germany
One of the oldest publishers in the hobby (they published their first models in the 1870s). Their "JFS" or "Schreiber-Bogen" brand is known throughout the hobby, and they offer a huge range of models of every kind and for every level of expertise. They also have a good printed catalogue.
HMV Hamburger Modellbaubogen, Germany
They are specialising in, and publishing a huge range of, "technical" models (planes, cars and lots of ships) as well as "seaside architecture" (harbour equipment, lighthouses).
"Modellbau-Universum", Germany
An online shop for models of any kind, but still very strong on the paper modelling side.
L'Instant Durable, France
Publisher with a huge range of architecture and art models. Sometimes not as elaborate as the JFS model, but still very good, and a very interesting collection of models.
AstroMedia, Germany
This publisher specialises in astounding working models, in particular about optical and astronomical topics. Some models I know are a table planetarium, a sextant and a star globe, but there are many others available. The models are usually accompanied by educational background material.
Paper mechanisms and automata have been described and constructed by some notable authors. See the websites of
Walter Ruffler,
Robert Ives,
Optical Toys
Tarquin Publications
for details. Another artist (not limited to paper models) worth mentioning was
Peter Markey
from Wales, deceased in 2018, but he does not have a homepage of his own, it seems (try a web search). See also some book recommendations below.
Other players in the hobby:
- Wonderful automa videos by dutchpapergirl on youtube
- cool4cats paper automata
Cony's Modelling Pages, in German. Cony lives in Berlin, like me, and is a real enthusiast, as opposed to me (I am still graduating). He has a long list of self-designed models under his belt.
Godwin Petermann's
(GTP) Modelling pages; he also lives in Berlin
The personal
carton modelling pages of Pierre G., with hints on technique, images of assembled models and many links
Stipp Bastelbogen, Berlin/Germany, specialises in "model railway scale" models and offers a somewhat unusual range of models, including storage sheds, water towers, phone booths and even street urinals.
Mitteldeutscher Kartonmodell-Verlag: They offer a large range of models in very flexible scale; many of the models are related to the former German Democratic Republic
The Lower Hudson Valley Paper Model Gift Shop: They take their name seriously and offer some models as a gift, i.e. free downloads.
Alvar Hansen: Papiermodelle bauen
(Aue-Verlag 2003, ISBN 3870292687)
This is an instruction (there is a German and an English language edition) for beginners and advanced modellers, published by the Aue-Verlag mentioned above. Also gives some good background information.
- Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (AGK): Zur Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus (Aue-Verlag)
A multi-volume edition that covers the history of paper modelling.
- Dieter Nievergelt: Architektur aus Papier (museum catalog)
Photos of an exhibition of paper models of buildings shown in Switzerland and Germany in 2000 to 2004, with additional historical and technical remarks and an extensive list of publishers and their models.
Heinrich Rockstroh: Die Kunst, mancherlei Gegenstände aus Papier zu formen
(the art of modelling various things from paper, C. Salfeld, Leipzig 1810) My copy is a reprint of the original, published by the
in 2008 (printed by Aue-Verlag), with an additional transcription into modern letters and notes by Dieter Nievergelt. This is one of the first instructions for paper modelling of which only two known copies exist, both of them incomplete. I am deeply grateful to Dieter Nievergelt and the AGK to have made this complete reprint possible.
Mark Hiner: Paper Engineering
(Tarquin Publications
1985, ISBN 0906212499)
Describes paper mechanisms like pop-ups and sliding images, includes cut-out examples.
Duncan Birmingham: Pop-Up design and Paper Mechanics
(Guild of Master Craftsmen Publications, Castle Place, UK 2010, ISBN 978-1-86108-685-3)
Systematic approach to the construction of pop-up models and pull-tab mechanisms, in gorgeous format. Also includes cut-out templates for cards using such techniques.
Walter Ruffler: Paper Automata Mechanisms
(Tarquin Publications 2003, ISBN 1899678589)
Describes basic paper mechanisms used to make "action" models, a.k.a. automata. Five cut-out examples show the working crank, friction, cam, gear and trip/pawl mechanisms.
- Walter Ruffler: Paper Models that Move (Dover Publications 2010, ISBN 9780486477930)
Describes basic paper mechanisms used to make "action" models, a.k.a. automata, and basic papercraft. 14 cut-out examples are included, most of them re-published from earlier sets.
DDR in Karton
(Mitteldeutscher Kartonmodell-Verlag 2002)
An overview of paper models that were published, by various publishers, in the German Democratic republic between 1949 and 1989
Ramin Razani: Phantastische Papierarbeiten
(Augustus-Verlag 1993, ISBN 3-8043-0236-X)
A collection of paper cards, with building instructions and templates
Ramin Razani: Faszinierende Grußkarten
(Augustus-Verlag 1997, ISBN 3-8043-0352-8)
Another collection of paper cards, with building instructions and templates
Bianchini, Siliakus, Aysta: Paper Architect
(frech Verlag 2009, ISBN 978-3-7724-5561-2)
Pop-up constructions of famous buildings from all around the world
- Peter Dahmen's website about pop-up models
My Models
Let me group my models into four ranges:
No physical traces or images left, they are just a memory
Built and/or documented, which means that either the physical model or photographic evidence exists
Under Construction
Began building it, but am not done yet (a state that may have been lasting for many years, for various reasons)
Models that are waiting on my shelves to be built (this may include models I am certain I have got but cannot find at the moment)
Size is always given as "length by depth/wingspan by height". Abbreviations used are:
A5 = 210x148 mm
A4 = 297x210 mm
A3 = 420x297 mm
JFS = Schreiber-Modellbaubogen
AGK = Arbeitskreis für die Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus e.V.
Prehistoric Models
Note: If the scale, size etc. seem a bit too detailed for a model long gone, they are probably taken from current catalogues or the AGK database. The models are listed in the completion (or surrender) order as I remember it.
- Einfache Burgen : simple castles; J. F. Schreiber, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:87 (wahrscheinlich), (cat.# LP-1)
Childhood memories, and archetypes for my own experiments.
- Einfache Häuser : simple buildings; (unbekannt/keine Angabe), pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:87 (wahrscheinlich), (cat.# LP-2)
Childhood memories; many of such models, most of them probably by J. F. Schreiber because those were the models available in local shops.
- Fouga CM 170 "Magister" : jet trainer airplane; J. F. Schreiber vor 1965, pub.nbr. 07867; Maßstab 1:50, 1 sheet, size (cm) 36 x 43 (cat.# LP-6, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Dornier Do 27 "Serengeti" : light airplane; J. F. Schreiber ? ab 1960, pub.nbr. 71171; Maßstab 1:50, 1 sheet, size (cm) 32 x 43 (cat.# LP-7, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
This is the airplane Dr. Grzimek used to film his "Serengeti" film. His son Michael died when the plane crashed in 1959.
- Mittelalterliche Burg : mediaeval castle; Eigenkonstruktion ? 1967, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:72, (cat.# LP-5, Wikipedia)
The simple 4-corners-4-towers-type, but with a working drawbridge and trap doors in the tower platforms. This was a model intended to be used, and it was. My brother and I fought out bitter battles for this castle with our Hausser Elastolin knights, Roman soldiers and Mongol raiders. It lasted for some years, which is remarkable as it was under constant attack by catapults and cannon.
- Schloss Neuschwanstein : Neuschwanstein castle; J. F. Schreiber 1983, pub.nbr. 70853, ISBN 3892680027; Maßstab 1:120, 11 sheets, size (cm) 35 x 23 (cat.# LP-8, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
The monster and "Holy Grail" model of the time.
- Schloss Hohenzollern : Hohenzollern castle; J. F. Schreiber 1983, pub.nbr. 70967; Maßstab 1:125, 9 sheets, size (cm) 31,5 x 22,5 (cat.# LP-9, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
This model nearly cost my brother's life. When it was very nearly done and rested on a low settee in my room, we got into a quarrel in the course of which I slapped him, he looked around, aimed (I thought) and sat squarely on top of the model. I believe my mother came into the room just in time to save him.
- Wasserburg Konradsheim : Water castle Konradsheim; J. F. Schreiber 1984, pub.nbr. 71957; Maßstab 1:160, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 43, gefaltet (cat.# LP-10, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Holstentor Lübeck : Lübeck town gate; J. F. Schreiber 1983, pub.nbr. 72043; Maßstab 1:160, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 43, gefaltet (cat.# LP-11, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- The North River Steamboat of Clermont : Dampfschiff; J. F. Schreiber ca. 1980, pub.nbr. 71749; Maßstab 1:200, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 30,4 x 40, gefaltet (cat.# LP-12, AGK DB, Enc. Britannica, Wikipedia)
Robert Fultons steamship of about 1870, also known as "Fulton's Folly".
- Leuchtturm : lighthouse; J. F. Schreiber 1984, pub.nbr. 72218; Maßstab 1:50, 6 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44, gefaltet (cat.# LP-13, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
Though the booklet does not say it, this is modeled after the old (and still existing) "Roter Sand" lighthouse.
- Spirit of St. Louis : Lindbergh's airplane; J. F. Schreiber ab ? 1985, pub.nbr. 72187; Maßstab 1:50, 2 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-14, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Seenotkreuzer "Theodor Heuss" : lifeboat, 23.2-metre-class; J. F. Schreiber ab ? 1985, pub.nbr. 71250; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-15, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Junkers Ju52/3m : 1930s 3-engine airplane; J. F. Schreiber 1989/90, pub.nbr. 71127; Maßstab 1:50, 12 sheets, size (cm) 4x 31 x 44, gefaltet; 8x 33 x 22 Folie (cat.# LP-16, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
This was the aluminium-coated-paper version of the model, enhanced by me with cabin lights and anti-collision lights. It was nearly done and then mortally damaged when I moved. You will find the same model below because I intend to build it again.
- Stephansdom zu Wien : St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna; J. F. Schreiber vor 1994, pub.nbr. 72484; Maßstab 1:300, 12 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 36, gefaltet (cat.# LP-17, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
To be honest, I never quite finished this one. Those gothic spires and pinnacles and their crockets gave me the creeps after some time.
- Anhalter Bahnhof : historical train station in Berlin; Ästhetik und Kommunikation 1984, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:160, 4 sheets, size (cm) 100 x 144 (plus transparente Blätter) (cat.# LP-331, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Shakespeare's Birthplace : Shakespeares Geburtshaus; Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, The 1964, pub.nbr. 61; Maßstab 1:72 (geschätzt), 1 sheet, size (cm) 34,5 x 25 (cat.# LP-18, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia (en))
If I remember correctly some matches were needed as pillars for the awning.
- einfache britische Gebäude : simple British houses; (unbekannt/keine Angabe), pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:87 (unsicher), (cat.# LP-19)
These included at least a country pub and a half-relief row of terraced houses.
- Santa Maria (1492) : Columbus' flagship; J. F. Schreiber ca. 1985 bis 2006, pub.nbr. 71798; Maßstab 1:87, 4 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-332, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Never finished because some parts were missing after I moved.
There must have been others, but, well, my memory is not up to the task.
Historic Models
Roughly in order of construction finishing date:
- Römisches Landhaus : Roman country house; J. F. Schreiber 1997, pub.nbr. 72612; Maßstab 1:87, 3,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 gefaltet (cat.# LP-20, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
I added a larger, thicker base and some pegs to secure the roof.
- Leonardo da Vinci - Invenzioni : inventions/Erfindungen; L'Instant Durable ab ? 1985, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:150 (unsicher), 2 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-21, AGK DB, Planet Wissen, Wikipedia da Vinci)
3 little models: helicopter, armoured car, paddle wheel ship
- Bautzen: Michaeliskirche und Alte Wasserkunst : St. Michael's church and old water tower in Bautzen; VEB Domowina-Verlag 1992, pub.nbr. 92/XX, ISBN 3742006827; Maßstab 1:150, 5 sheets, size (cm) 29,7 x 42 (cat.# LP-22, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Esslinger Burg : Esslingen castle; J. F. Schreiber ab ? 1985, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:200, 3 sheets, size (cm) 36 x 42 (cat.# LP-23, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
Actually, not a castle but part of the town's 13th century fortifications. The tower is known as the "Dicker Turm" (fat tower).
- Der Volksvertreter : the Representative (automaton); Walter Ruffler 2003, pub.nbr. WR052; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-25, AGK DB, Buch "Wir Abnicker", Wiktionary)
- Wintervergnügungen : Winter fun [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin um 2006, pub.nbr. 3697; Maßstab 1:30 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 43 (cat.# LP-111, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published around 1860 by Oehmigke & Riemenschneider, Neuruppin
- De Huismus : Hausspatzen / Sparrows; Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt ab ? 1985, pub.nbr. A48; Maßstab 1:1, 1 sheet, size (cm) 44 x 30 (cat.# LP-26, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Modellirbogen Wassermühle : water mill [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 2004, pub.nbr. (Original: 6596), ISBN 3898761562; Maßstab 1:40 (errechnet; variierend), 1 sheet, size (cm) 34 x 43 (cat.# LP-27, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Original 1878/79 by Gustav Kühn, Neuruppin
- 17 c. Craigievar Castle Scotland : Burg/Villa Craigievar (1855); Editions Mirontaine 1988, pub.nbr. B07; Maßstab 1:87 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) ? 23 x 14 (cat.# LP-28, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Un Carousel en 1900 : a carousel in 1900/Karussell von 1900; Editions Mirontaine ? ab 2006, pub.nbr. A10; Maßstab 1:36 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 23 x 14 (cat.# LP-29, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Aschenputtel : Cinderella; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2007, pub.nbr. 0658; no scale, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 gefaltet (cat.# LP-44, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Mir stürzet ab : Mir goes in (automaton); Trickbüro Verlag Basil Vogt ? ab 1985, pub.nbr. ?; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 48,5 x 29,5 (cat.# LP-30, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
satiric little click-together model inspired by the Mir space station accidents (the name is a pun that is untranslatable outside Swabia)
- Achterbahn für Murmeln : marble roller-coaster; Gerd Schröder ? 2008, pub.nbr. ?; no scale, 9 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-31, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Loodsentender Apollo / Mercury : pilot boats / Lotsenboote; Scaldis Cardboard-Modelclub 2006-2009, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:250, 2 sheets, size (cm) 15 x 21 (cat.# LP-32, AGK DB, Wiktionary)
- Villa Bärenfett : Karl-May-Museum Radebeul, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:220 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 10,5 x 15 (cat.# LP-33, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
very small postcard model of a Karl May memorial block house in Radebeul
- Bewitched : verhext; Flying Pig Gallery ? ab 1985, pub.nbr. ?; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) 20,7 x 21 (cat.# LP-34, AGK DB)
witch riding a broomstick, automaton
- Sextant : AstroMedia ? ab 1985, pub.nbr. 206.SXT; Maßstab 1:1, 2 sheets, size (cm) 30 x 21 (cat.# LP-36, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
working model, includes instructions about how to use
- Leuchtturm und Felsen Muckle Flugga : Muckle Flugga Lighthouse and Rock; Eigenkonstruktion 2009, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:1000, 3 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-37, Map, Sketchup, Wikipedia)
Primarily an experiment how to model rocks with Sketchup.
- Pigeonnier de Saint Paul Cap de Joux : pigeonry/Taubenhaus; J.-L. Piroux 2004, pub.nbr. C01; Maßstab 1:100, 1 sheet, size (cm) 21 x 28 (cat.# LP-35, AGK DB, Map, Vorbild, Wikipedia)
- Londoner Doppeldeckerbus : London double-decker bus; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag ca. 2000, pub.nbr. 0563; Maßstab 1:43, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 gefaltet (cat.# LP-39, AGK DB, Routemaster Association, Wikipedia)
includes a phone booth; the bus is the legendary AEC Routemaster L model
- Gegen den Wind : Into the Wind (automaton); Walter Ruffler ab 1985, pub.nbr. WR013; no scale, 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-40, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Inselbahn Sylt I : Sylt island train; MB-Modellbau Michael Beutner 2007, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:87, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-38, AGK DB, Fan-Projekt, Möwenlied, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
This kind of rather slow train was also affectionately known as "rasende Emma" (dashing Emma); "Emma" probably being an allusion to the seagulls which are frequent on Sylt, after Christian Morgenstern's verdict "all seagulls look as if their name were Emma" ("Möwenlied", Galgenlieder 1905).
- Canalboat Cabin Model : Kabine eines englischen Kanalbootes; Novus Publishing Ltd. 1981, pub.nbr. C112; Maßstab 1:18, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-41, AGK DB, Sunny Valley, Wikipedia)
The model is based on British narrowboat "Sunny Valley"
- Narrowboat : englisches Kanalboot; English Village Designs ab 2006, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:72 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-42, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Tschüss, Märchenbrunnen! : Goodbye, Märchenbrunnen!; Eigenkonstruktion 2009, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-45, Landkarte, Vorbild)
An anniversary card for a storyteller I love, on the occasion of closing down our small fairy tale theatre.
- Santa Maria del Naranco : church / Kirche; Fiquin y Badiqui 2000, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:72, 3 sheets, size (cm) 65 x 44,5 (cat.# LP-24, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
9th century pre-romanesque church in the Leon province
- Impatience : Ungeduld (automaton); Flying Pig Gallery ab 1985, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:1,5, 4 sheets, size (cm) 21 x 21 (cat.# LP-46, AGK DB, Video)
- Johannes Keplers Weltgeheimnis : Mysterium Cosmographicum; AstroMedia 2006-2009, pub.nbr. 214.KPL; no scale, 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-47, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Kepler's mystic fantasy from 1596
- Feuer-Drache : fire dragon automaton; Walter Ruffler 2002, pub.nbr. WR021; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-54, AGK DB, Video)
- Nodding Dinosaur : Nickender Saurier (Wackelsaurus) automaton; Peter Markey (Eigenverlag) vor 2010, pub.nbr. ?; no scale (keiner / sinnlos), 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-51, AGK DB, Bobblehead, Video, Wikipedia)
- Nodding Tiger : Nickender Tiger (Wackeltiger) automaton; Peter Markey (Eigenverlag) vor 2010, pub.nbr. ?; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-52, AGK DB, Bobblehead, Video, Wikipedia)
- Ecole Arabe en Algerie : Arabian school in Algeria/arabische Schule in Algerien [reprint]; Imagérie d’Épinal Pellerin (nach 1888) 1885/~2000, pub.nbr. 1254; Maßstab 1:120 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 30 x 22 (cat.# LP-49, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikisource)
Originally published in 1885 by Imagerie d'Epinal Pellerin
- Wave machine : Wellenmaschine automaton; Peter Markey (Eigenverlag) ? ab 1986, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-53, AGK DB, Video, Wikipedia)
- Schloss Pfaueninsel : Pfaueninsel palace; Christian Biskup 2009, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:400, 4 sheets, size (cm) 21 x 14,8 (cat.# LP-50, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Drachenlenker : To Fly A Kite automaton; Walter Ruffler 2002, pub.nbr. WR053; no scale, 3 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-55, AGK DB, Video, Wikipedia)
- Kissing Machine : Kussmaschine automaton; Peter Markey (Eigenverlag) ? ab 1986, pub.nbr. -; no scale (keiner / sinnlos), 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-56, AGK DB, Video)
- Drachenkopf : dragon's head automaton; Walter Ruffler 2002, pub.nbr. WR092; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-57, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Herzlichen Glückwunsch! : Congratulations! automaton; Walter Ruffler ca. 2000, pub.nbr. WR091; no scale, 3 sheets, size (cm) 21 x 10 (cat.# LP-58, AGK DB)
- Cut Out Garden : Ausschneidegarten Mikrodiorama; Peter Markey (Eigenverlag) vor 2018, pub.nbr. ?; no scale, ? sheets, size (cm) ? (cat.# LP-59, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Excercising Fool : Turnender Narr automaton; Flying Pig Gallery ? ab 1986, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) 21x21 (cat.# LP-60, AGK DB, Video, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Cupid : Amor automaton; Flying Pig Gallery ? ab 1986, pub.nbr. -; no scale (keiner / sinnlos), 4 sheets, size (cm) 21 x 21 (cat.# LP-61, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Brandenburger Thor : Brandenburg gate, Berlin [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 1875/2018, pub.nbr. 5940; Maßstab 1:260 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 42 (cat.# LP-62, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
Originally published about 1875 by Oehmigke & Riemschneider, Neuruppin
- Winterfreuden : winter fun; edition8x8 2010, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-361, AGK DB)
- Esst mehr Eis! (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-548)
- Froschglück (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-569, AGK DB)
- Das Zauberschloss : magic castle; edition8x8 2020, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-481, AGK DB, Shop)
building blocks, toy
- Baukastenkalender : building block calendar; edition8x8 2021, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 13 sheets, size (cm) 15 x 42 (cat.# LP-483, Shop)
Not really a paper model but a cut-out set of building blocks.
- Störtebekers Schatz : pirate treasure; edition8x8 2019, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-488, AGK DB, Shop)
- Das Piraten-Teleskop : pirate telescope; AstroMedia nach 2006, pub.nbr. 235.PTL; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-460, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
magnification 6.5, based on the Galilei telescope
- Polyorama Panoptique : optical toy/Spielzeugpanorama; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2008, pub.nbr. 677; Maßstab 1:1, 3,5 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-390, AGK DB, Download blank frames, Download frames + instructions, similar, Site, Wikipedia)
- Geheimnisvolle Welt II : mysterious world II; edition8x8 2003, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-364, AGK DB)
- (Build a paper model of) The Extemely Large Telescope (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-531, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- SOS aus dem Kosmos : edition8x8 2010, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (1x Karton,, 1x Papier) (cat.# LP-543, AGK DB)
- Krasser Klunker (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-565, Wikipedia)
- Magic Dice Optical Illusion (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-566)
- Dänzdänz! : dancers; edition8x8 2016, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-362, AGK DB)
- Grimaldi der große Zauberer : the great illusionist; edition8x8 2003, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-367, AGK DB)
- Fingerpuppentheater (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-591, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Herr Pilipenko und sein U-Boot (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-564, arte TV, DVD, Info, Site)
- Das Planetarium des Pavel Bratcovitcz (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-563, Wikipedia)
- Der Unfug-Flug-Fliegen-Pilz : fly(ing) agaric; edition8x8 2017, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-363, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Der Meisterjäger : master hunter; edition8x8 2005, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-365, AGK DB)
- Drache gesucht! (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-485, Shop)
- Der Schmetterlingsbastelbogen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-486, Shop, Wikipedia (Frauke), Wikipedia (Walter))
- The Flying Weihnachtsbaum (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-487, Shop)
- Petri Heil (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-541)
- Pantoffelkino in 3D (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-542)
- Der schöne Adventskalender (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-545, AGK DB)
- Extrawurst (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-546)
- Super Wasch (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-549, AGK DB)
- Das Dorf (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-551)
- Da ist der Wurm drin! : There is something wrong …; edition8x8 2003, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-553, AGK DB)
- Giftpilze (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-554, AGK DB)
- Fräulein Kunigunde (geht spazieren) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-558, AGK DB, Shop)
- Frau Schneck (kriegt 'nen Schreck und saust weg!) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-559, AGK DB)
- Karl Klapperkrabbe (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-560, AGK DB)
- Victor Zwölfbein geht spazieren (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-561, AGK DB)
- Godzilla (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-562)
- You are here! The universal navigation system (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-570)
- Die Geschichte der wundersamen Errettung der schönen Prinzessin aus den Klauen des bösen Drachen durch Ritter Georg den Drachentöter : The story of the wondrous deliverance of the beautiful princess from the claws of the evil dragon by Knoght Georg, the dragon slayer; edition8x8 2003, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 9 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-589, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
pop-up book
- Aus dem Beschwerdebuch der ersten Hamburger Wasch- und Badeanstalt anno 1873 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-593, Museum, Wikipedia)
- Dürer zeichnet sein Lieblingsmodell (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-595, AGK DB)
- Leda und der Schwan (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-599, AGK DB)
- Erotikprogramme für das Pantoffelkino (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-603)
- Einladungskarte edition 8x8 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-605, AGK DB)
- Peter und der Wolf (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-539, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Kusskuss (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-537, AGK DB)
- Joseph Anton Koch malt den Schmadribachfall : Joseph Anton Koch paints the Schmadribach waterfall; edition8x8 1999, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-366, AGK DB, Koch, Schmadribachfall)
- Endlich draußen spielen! (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-568, Download)
- Lessing und die Ente (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-556, Poem, Wikipedia)
- Leek in Love (Verliebter Lauch) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-536, AGK DB)
- Tango oder vom richtigen Umgang mit Gummibäumen : Tango Or: how to treat rubber figs correctly; edition8x8 2004, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A3 gefaltet (cat.# LP-368, AGK DB, aha, oho, Tango)
- Titanic : edition8x8 2003, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-555, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Worte der Liebe : words of love; edition8x8 2003, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-617, AGK DB)
calling names, actually
Models under Construction
In order of construction starting date:
- Cloître Cathédrale Le Puy : Cathedral/Kathedrale Le Puy-en-Velay; L'Instant Durable 1997, pub.nbr. 40; Maßstab 1:250, 22 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-63, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
Just begun, then left alone as I did not understand parts of the construction (from web comments it seems that others also had problems).
- Unterseeboot Nautilus : Captain Nemo's legendary submarine; Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum 1988, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:100, 13 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-64, AGK DB, Catalog of Nautilus designs, Wikipedia)
Just begun, then left alone because I thought it a bit too much at that time. I plan to modify this model to some extent so I will take my time.
- The North River Steamboat of Clermont : Dampfschiff; J. F. Schreiber ca. 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 71749; Maßstab 1:200, 2 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-265, AGK DB, Enc. Britannica, Wikipedia)
Robert Fultons Dampfschiff von ca. 1870, auch "Fulton's Folly" genannt – ein Modell, das ich nochmal bauen wollte.
- Citroen H : van/Lieferwagen; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2005, pub.nbr. 0632, ISBN 3870296321; Maßstab 1:24, 4 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 gefaltet (cat.# LP-128, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Dornier Do 27 "Serengeti" : light airplane; J. F. Schreiber um 2001, pub.nbr. 0571; Maßstab 1:50, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 41 (cat.# LP-65, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
This is the airplane Dr. Grzimek used to film his "Serengeti" film. His son Michael died when the plane crashed in 1959.
- Claude Monet: Jardin de Giverny : Garden/Garten in Giverny; L'Instant Durable 1993, ISBN 2864040549; Maßstab 1:100, 6 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-66, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Edad Media: Romanico : medieval – romanesque style/Mittelalter – romanischer Stil; Editorial Miguel A. Salvatella S. A. 2012, pub.nbr. Cosmos 12, ISBN 9788472107120; Maßstab 1:50 (errechnet), 8 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 31,5 gefaltet (cat.# LP-68, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Leuchttürme List Ost und List West : lighthouses; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2012, pub.nbr. L15-1; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-447, AGK DB, Info (Ost), Info (West), Map, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
2 models
- Das gute Wurstmobile (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-547, AGK DB)
- The Joust : Turnier (Tjost); Peters Paperboys vor 2021, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:25 ((errechnet)), 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-490, AGK DB, Model, Video, Video, Video, Video, Wikipedia)
- 3 kleine Burgen : 3 small castles; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag um 2003, pub.nbr. 602, ISBN 9783870295; Maßstab 1:200 (errechnet), 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-501, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Die Örgl-Orgel (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-532)
- Gymnastik mit Schwester Adelheid (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-544)
- Coole Klunker (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-594, Wikipedia)
Future Models
This list is not complete and in no particular order (some are loosely in order bought, but not throughout, new acquisitions will be added at the bottom of the list).
- Rut'er Burrell-Thomson (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-384, AGK DB)
- Alamo Compound (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-482, Map, Wikipedia)
- Geräteträger RS09 : agricultural tractor/carrier RS 09; Junge Welt Verlag 1965, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:16 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 29 x 29,5 (cat.# LP-3, AGK DB, Frösi-Index, Wikipedia)
Supplement to the Frösi 1, 1965 magazine
- Wir bauen uns ein Einkaufszentrum : we build our own shopping centre; Junge Welt Verlag 1965, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 28, gefaltet (cat.# LP-4, AGK DB, Frösi-Index)
Supplement to the Frösi 5, 1965 magazine
- Seenotrettungskreuzer "Theodor Heuss" : lifeboat; J. F. Schreiber nach 1971, pub.nbr. 71250, ISBN 3480712509; Maßstab 1:200, 1 sheet, size (cm) 41,8 x 32 asymm. gefaltet (cat.# LP-74, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Seenotrettungskreuzer "John T. Essberger" und "Georg Breusing" : 2 lifeboats; Alstermodell Hamburger Modellbauverlag Brandt & Co. 1977, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250 (errechnet), 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-75, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Marienmünster auf Reichenau : officially "Münster St. Maria und Markus"; Byk Gulden Lomberg Chemische Fabrik GmbH 1970, pub.nbr. 1970/07-08; Maßstab 1:?, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-81, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- 6 Oldtimer : 4 vintage cars; J. F. Schreiber nach 1985, pub.nbr. 72231; Maßstab 1:50, 3 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-292, AGK DB, Wikipedia Benz Velo, Wikipedia Hanomag Sport, Wikipedia Opel Doktoragen, Wikipedia Opel Laubfrosch, Wikipedia Peogeot Victoria (Typ 19), Wikipedia Renault 12/16 (Type BZ))
Satz von Einzelmodellen:
71313 Benz Velo 1,5 PS 1895
71317 Hanomag "Sport" 1925
71319 Renault 12/16 1910
71322 Opel Laubfrosch 4/12 PS 1924
71323 Opel "Doktorwagen" 4/8 PS 1909
71324 Peugeot Victoria 1898
- Modell eines Kernkraftwerks mit Druckwasserreaktor : nuclear power station; KWU Kraftwerk Union AG 1983, pub.nbr. A96103-P1672; Maßstab 1:350, 21 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-70, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
A promotional model, as far as I know designed and printed at JFS
- Sei auch du ein Saubermann! (Straßenkehrwagen KM819) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-293, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Polizeiwagen Golf D (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-330, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Titanic : Taco Verlagsgesellschaft 1987, ISBN 3892680116; Maßstab 1:200, 12 sheets, size (cm) 31,5 x 48 (cat.# LP-71, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Feuerschiff "Borkumriff" : lightship; Jade-Verlag Wilhelmshaven W. Pangerl & Co. 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 1033; Maßstab 1:250, 1 sheet, size (cm) 43 x 30 (cat.# LP-77, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
The ship is now a museum ship at Borkum Reede, Schutzhafen.
- Papiermusik (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-319, AGK DB, mehr davon, noch mehr)
- Bunte Bastelspiele (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-339, AGK DB)
- Dornier-Flugboot Do X der Deutschen Lufthansa : 12-engine seaplane; J. F. Schreiber um 1968, pub.nbr. 71463; Maßstab 1:100, 4 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 32 gefaltet (cat.# LP-78, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Dornier Wal der Deutschen Lufthansa : seaplane; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 71433; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-79, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Paper Engineering for pop-up books and cards (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-326, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Motorjacht : motor yacht [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1925/2001, pub.nbr. 327/28, ISBN ZGK2001; Maßstab 1:40 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 25 x 41,6 gefaltet (cat.# LP-130, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published about 1925 by J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen.
- Hanse-Kogge : Hanseatic cog; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2002, pub.nbr. 590, ISBN 3870295902; Maßstab 1:100, 4,5 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-80, AGK DB, Stadtsiegel, Wikipedia)
- De Gekroonde Poelenburg Zaandam : wind-driven sawmill; Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt 1995, pub.nbr. A44; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 30,5 (cat.# LP-82, AGK DB, Map, Molen-DB, Wikipedia, Zaansche Molen)
- Een Zaanse Buurt : old cottage/Dorf, Nederlands Openluchtmuseum in Arnhem; Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt 1982, pub.nbr. A14; Maßstab 1:100, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 61 (cat.# LP-83, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
- La Porte du Pont-Charles à Prague : Charles Bridge gate tower/Torturm der Karlsbrücke [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1888/2002, pub.nbr. 1352 Petites Constructions, ISBN ZGK2002; Maßstab 1:145 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 26,8 x 20,3 (cat.# LP-131, AGK DB, Map, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1888 by Imagerie d'Epinal Pellerin.
- Shakespeare's Globe Theatre : Shakespeare Birthplace Trust, The 1970, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:?, 6 sheets, size (cm) 24 x 30 (cat.# LP-72, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Seenotrettungskreuzer "John T. Essberger" : lifeboat; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72054, ISBN 3480720544; Maßstab 1:100, 4 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-76, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Walfangboot (zum Mutterschiff Willem Barendsz) : motor whaleboat; Jade-Verlag Wilhelmshaven W. Pangerl & Co. 2003, pub.nbr. 1022; Maßstab 1:250, 2 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 30 (cat.# LP-73, AGK DB, Image, Wikipedia, Willem Barendsz)
- FW-190/Wright-Doppeldecker mit dem Flieger Benno König : Fw190 fighter and Wright flyer [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1962/1915/2003, pub.nbr. 71234/LXXXI. 94, ISBN ZGK2003; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 28 x 19,5 (cat.# LP-132, AGK DB, Benno König, FW 190, Vorlage, Vorlage, Wright)
Originals published about 1962/1915 by J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen.
- Magdalen Bear: Automata too : 4 funny automata; Tarquin Publications 2001, ISBN 1899618457; no scale, 14 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-84, AGK DB)
- St. George and the Dragon : automaton; Arcturus Publishing Ltd. 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 30051522; no scale, 9 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-85, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Seenotrettungskreuzer "Theodor Heuss" : lifeboat; J. F. Schreiber nach 1980 (?), pub.nbr. 71250; Maßstab 1:200, 1 sheet, size (cm) A3 gefaltet (cat.# LP-322, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Motorboot "Delphin" : motor boat, from the book "Card Modeling" by Alvar Hansen; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2003, pub.nbr. -, ISBN 3870292687; Maßstab 1:30 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 20,5 x 29,4 (cat.# LP-372, AGK DB, download)
- Opel Kadett : [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1962/2004, pub.nbr. -, ISBN ZGK2004; Maßstab 1:25 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 23,8 (cat.# LP-133, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
The original model was a marketing action by Adam Opel AG in 1962; it was created by J. F. Schreiber.
- Polyplastik. Wassermühle. Water-Mill. : [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1878/2005, pub.nbr. 8, ISBN ZGK2005; Maßstab 1:100 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 15 x 18,5 effektiv (cat.# LP-134, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1878 by Eduard Büttner & Co., Berlin.
- Villa Blumenthal bei Bad Ischl : AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2005, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:87, 3 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31,5 (cat.# LP-140, AGK DB, Map, Vorbild, Wikipedia)
An early example of a pre-fabricated house, there is an interesting story behind it.
- Hochsee-Torpedoboot, Zerstörer : deep sea torpedo boat/destroyer; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1911/1931/2006, pub.nbr. 353/354, ISBN ZGK2006; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 40,4 x 25 (cat.# LP-147, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published in 1911 (and again in 1931) by J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen.
- Lübecker Altstadt : Lübeck's old town; Ulf Sommer vor 2008, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 19 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-177, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
24 houses, may be built as a summer or winter version; intended to be used as an Advent calendar.
- Ilias und Odyssee an einem Abend (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-182, AGK DB, Ilias, Odyssee)
- Quarzkristalle - 58. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft : quartz crystals; Reinhold Wittig 1980, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 42,5 x 60,5 (cat.# LP-200, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
An unusual cardboard poster for the 1980 annual meeting German Mineralogical Society.
- Kontinentalverschiebungsmodellausschneidebogen : continental drift cut-out model; Reinhold Wittig 1981, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 61 (cat.# LP-201, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Cardboard poster for an Alfred Wegener exhibition in 1981.
- Rügen und Hiddensee : Breihofer Design 2005, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 3 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-170, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- FINO3 Forschungsplattform : North Sea offshore research platform; HMV Scheuer & Strüver 2007, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-269, AGK DB, Map, Site, Site (KMZ), Wikipedia)
- Sportflugzeug PZL-102 B "Kos" : sports airplane [1:2 reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1962/2007, pub.nbr. -, ISBN ZGK2007; Maßstab 1:50, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-148, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published in 1962 by MON, Warsaw.
- Evangelisch-methodistische Kirche (EmK) "Christuskirche" in Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-204, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Nördliche Sternenhimmel, Der : Northern night sky globe; AstroMedia 1981, ISBN 3924650004; no scale, 20 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-86, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Sonnenuhr, Die : sundial; AstroMedia 1983, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-87, AGK DB, Sonnenuhr)
- Auto Union Type C (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-181, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Inselbahn Sylt II (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-192, AGK DB, companion model, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Sportwagen Ford "Thunderbird" : sports car [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1957/2008, pub.nbr. 2237, ISBN ZGK2008; Maßstab 1:25, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-149, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published in 1957 by Otto Maier Verlag, Ravensburg.
- Pont Neuf - Panorama de l'ile de la cité (Paris) : panoramic model/Panoramamodell; L'Instant Durable 1989, pub.nbr. 20; Maßstab 1:250, 12 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-88, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Berliner Dom : Berlin cathedral; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2005, pub.nbr. 630, ISBN 3870296305; Maßstab 1:300, 9,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-89, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Alte Leuchtturm in Bremerhaven von 1855, Der : Bremerhaven Lighthouse of 1855 (Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum 12x12x25 cm 6 sheets A4) (box 7); Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum 1989, pub.nbr. DSM 10363; Maßstab 1:100, 3 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-91, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Lippischer Meierhof : farmhouse; Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250 (errechnet, grob), 3 sheets, size (cm) 25,5 x 21 (cat.# LP-284, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Bau dir ein Dorf (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-285, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Paula Schimmelpfennig's Kaufmannsladen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-286, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Der Reichstag (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-288, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Berliner Funkturm und Messegelände (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-289, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Internationales Congress-Centrum (ICC) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-290, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Altberliner Häuser mit Kaiser's-Kaffeegeschäft (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-291, AGK DB, Info, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Chris Craft Futura : motor yacht/Motorjacht [reprint]; Aue Verlag Möckmühl 1959/2009, pub.nbr. 71008, ISBN 9783870293079; Maßstab 1:20 ((1:18?)), 14 sheets, size (cm) 36 x 43 (cat.# LP-253, AGK DB, AGK, Original, Timeline, Wikipedia)
Reprint of a JFS model of 1959 (actually published in 1962). The model can be made floatable and equipped with a motor and remote control.
- Stanford Bunny : Stanford-Hase; Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 1994, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 9 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-371, AGK DB, Info, Source, Wikipedia)
A 3D-scanned and rendered model of a bunny – the first of its kind.
- Ludwigsbahn "Adler" von 1835 : early steam train; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72215, ISBN 9783480722150; Maßstab 1:20, 17 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-92, AGK DB, Adler, Ludwigseisenbahn)
- Das kleine Tischplanetarium : table planetarium/Armillasphäre; AstroMedia 2003, pub.nbr. 202.KTP, ISBN 3935364067; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-93, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Pteranodon ingens : flying dinosaur; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72487, ISBN 3480724876; Maßstab 1:7, 7 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-95, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Carcassonne : L'Instant Durable 1986, pub.nbr. 09, ISBN 2864040212; Maßstab 1:250, 32 sheets, size (cm) 29,5 x 32 (cat.# LP-96, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Mechanical Birdwatching Cat : automaton; Peter Markey (Eigenverlag) 1998, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) 21,7 x 27,8 (cat.# LP-97, AGK DB, :-), Wikipedia)
- Wartburg : J. F. Schreiber 1982, pub.nbr. 71529; Maßstab 1:250, 9 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-98, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Der Tempel in Jerusalem zur Zeit Jesu : The Jerusalem temple as it was in Jesus' time; Aue Verlag Möckmühl 1956, pub.nbr. Arbeitsbogen No. 4; Maßstab 1:?, 1 sheet, size (cm) 49,5 x 34 gefaltet (cat.# LP-99, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Hamburger Hafen-Barkassen : Hamburg harbour launches; Passat Verlag ca. 1985 bis 2006, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:250, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-158, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Alsterschiffe : Alster passenger boats; Passat Verlag ca. 1985 bis 2006, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:250, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-159, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Wir basteln Petterssons Hof : Pettersson's cottage; K. Hjelm Förlag 2001, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:40 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 62,5 x 59,5 (cat.# LP-178, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
A companion model for the "Pettersson and Findus" children's books by Sven Nordquist.
- Narrowboat Rousham (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-221, AGK DB, Info, Wikipedia)
- Paper Captain : Papier-Kapitän; 20 punch-out ships & things; Universe 2011, ISBN 9780799318091; no scale, 32 sheets, size (cm) 20,5 x 25,4 (cat.# LP-320, AGK DB, :-))
- Paper Architect : Papierarchtekt/Architectural Origami; 20 pop-up origami buildings; frechverlag GmbH 2013, pub.nbr. 5561, ISBN 9783772455612; no scale, 20 sheets, size (cm) 28 x 20,5 (cat.# LP-321, AGK DB, :-))
- Casa Consistorial de Gijón : Gijón city hall/Rathaus in Asturia/Spain Fiquin y Badiqui 1:125 20x22.5x17 cm 3 sheets 45x32 cm) (box Z); Fiquin y Badiqui 2009, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:125 (errechnet), 3 sheets, size (cm) 32 x 45 (cat.# LP-249, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (ES))
- Der Stader Kran von 1661 : historical harbour crane; Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum 1990, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-162, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Evangelische Kirche in Monschau, Die (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-272, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Antonov An-2 : Mitteldeutscher Kartonmodell-Verlag ca. 2001, pub.nbr. 4010/50; Maßstab 1:25, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-100, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
"Anna" – the largest single-engine biplane ever built. A sort of aerial tractor.
- Rügener Museumslok Baureihe 53 : steam locomotive; Feinwerk- und Modellbauservice Häger ca. 2007, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:43, 11 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-101, AGK DB, Bahnlinie, Lok)
This historical locomotive is still in use. I habve serious doubts about the "53" part of the designation, though.
- Leuchtturm : Atelier GAG 1994, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A5 (cat.# LP-102, AGK DB)
- Reichstag : Reichstag in Berlin (JFS 1:400 32x38x15 cm 9 sheets A4) (box 7); J. F. Schreiber 1998, pub.nbr. 72604; Maßstab 1:400, 9 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-104, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Pilatus PC-6 "Porter" : Swiss "workhorse" airplane; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72495, ISBN 3480724957; Maßstab 1:50, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-105, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Pharaonenschiff : Pharaohs' ship; J. F. Schreiber um 2000, pub.nbr. 553, ISBN 3870295538; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-106, AGK DB, Info, Wikipedia)
- Construction, qu'on peut faire toutner par la chaleur de fournace : Karussel/merry-go-round, wärmebetrieben/driven by heat [reprint, original unknown]; Museum für Deutsche Volkskunde nach 1995, pub.nbr. Tafel 7 (0riginal: 198); Maßstab 1:30 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 33,5 (cat.# LP-107, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Modellirbogen Festung : fortress [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 2006, pub.nbr. 5582; Maßstab 1:85 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 43 (cat.# LP-108, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1868 by Oehmigke & Riemenschneider, Neuruppin
- Modellir-Carton Ritterburg : knight's castle [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 1870/2006, pub.nbr. 5678; Maßstab 1:45 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 43 (cat.# LP-109, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1870 by Gustav Kühn, Neuruppin
- Modellir-Bogen Ritterburg : knight's castle [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 1868/2006, pub.nbr. 5568; Maßstab 1:83 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 43 (cat.# LP-110, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1868 by Oehmigke & Riemenschneider, Neuruppin
- Bauerhof : farmstead [reprint]; Museum für Deutsche Volkskunde 1876/~2000, pub.nbr. 5219; Maßstab 1:30 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,8 x 42 (cat.# LP-112, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published after 1876 by Eduard Robrahn & Co, Magdeburg
- Münsterländer Gräftenhof : cottage; Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 21 x 25,5 (cat.# LP-113, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Burg Eltz (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-121, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Stuttgarter Straßenbahntriebwagen 222 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-246, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Siemens-Schuckert Straßenbahnwagen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-279, AGK DB, Info, Info)
- Walking Automata : 6 funny walking automata; Tarquin Publications 2007, ISBN 1899618503; no scale, 15 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-323, AGK DB)
- A Handbook of Paper Automata Machanisms : Papiermechanismen; Tarquin Publications 2003, ISBN 1899618589; no scale, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-324, AGK DB, Ruffler)
- 14 Ingenious Automata, and More Paper Models that Move : 14 paper mechanisms and automata; Dover Publications 2010, ISBN 9780486477930; no scale, 30 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-325, AGK DB, Ruffler)
- Dorfschmiede : village smithy [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 1859/2004, pub.nbr. 3321; Maßstab 1:35 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 33,5 (cat.# LP-333, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1859 by Oehmigke & Riemschneider, Neuruppin
- Bockwindmühle : windmill; Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum 1983, pub.nbr. MB 0804/M; Maßstab 1:60, 7 sheets, size (cm) 24 (cat.# LP-335, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Leuchtturm : modeled after the "Roter Sand" lighthouse; J. F. Schreiber 1984, pub.nbr. 72218; Maßstab 1:50, 6 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44, gefaltet (cat.# LP-340, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Pop-Up design and paper mechanics : Pop-up-Mechanismen; includes 14 pre-printed projects; Guild of Master Craftsmen Publications 2010, ISBN 9781861086853; no scale, 28 sheets, size (cm) 21 x 24,4 (cat.# LP-370, AGK DB)
- Pliensaubrücke : bridge; Neckar/Esslingen; Reimers Modellbaubogen 2003, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:300, 10 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-218, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- BMW R16 : motorcycle with sidecar [reprint]; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 1932/um 2001, pub.nbr. 575; Maßstab 1:10, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-114, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
- NSU Lambretta : scooter [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1952/2011, pub.nbr. -, ISBN 9783870293215; Maßstab 1:16 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 17,2 x 23,9 (cat.# LP-295, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published 1952 for NSU Werke AG, printed by Belserdruck, Stuttgart.
- Hatry Flugzeug Rak. 1 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-305, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Junkers A50 "Junior" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-306, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Focke-Wulf F19A "Ente" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-307, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Mittelalterliche Kleinstadt : Small medieval town; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2011, ISBN 9783870293161; Maßstab 1:300, 8+8 sheets, size (cm) A4/A6 (cat.# LP-296, AGK DB, Zusatzteile)
- Junkers Ju52/3m : 1930s 3-engine airplane; J. F. Schreiber 1989/90, pub.nbr. 71127; Maßstab 1:50, 12 sheets, size (cm) 4x 31 x 44, gefaltet; 8x 33 x 22 Folie (cat.# LP-115, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Die Version mit aluminiumbedampfter, folienkaschierter Oberfläche. Schon mal gebaut, siehe auch LP-16.
- Schloss Hohenzollern : castle; J. F. Schreiber 1983, pub.nbr. 70967?; Maßstab 1:125, 9 sheets, size (cm) 22,5 x 31,5 (cat.# LP-116, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Hamburger Michel : St. Michaelis church in Hamburg; J. F. Schreiber um 1996, pub.nbr. 72590, ISBN 3480725902; Maßstab 1:300, 8 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-117, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche : postcard model of a Berlin landmark church; Berliner Luft 2005, pub.nbr. PK GBK; Maßstab 1:1290 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 10 x 21 (cat.# LP-118, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Fischkutter "Consul Pust" 1920 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-119, AGK DB, 3D Model, Diorama, Image)
- Burg Bruneck (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-120, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Domäne Dahlem : Domäne Dahlem (Dieter Güllert Modellbogen 1:100 7 sheets A4) (box 7); Dieter Güllert 1981, pub.nbr. MB 0203/D; Maßstab 1:100, 7 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-165, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- De Ijsvogel : Eisvogel / common kingfisher (Alcedo atthis); Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt 1985-2006, pub.nbr. A51; Maßstab 1:1, 6 sheets, size (cm) 30,5 x 44 (cat.# LP-193, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Wassermühle Barrien (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-194, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Maisons Traditionelles de France - Auvergne & Limousin : traditional haouses/traditionelle Häuser; 4 Modelle; L'Instant Durable 1985, pub.nbr. 6, ISBN 2864040190; Maßstab 1:160, 7 sheets, size (cm) 29,5 x 22 (cat.# LP-195, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Mehrzweckschiff Kitzeberg von 1992 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-196, AGK DB, Info)
- Samurai (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-197, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Bremer Stadtmusikanten (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-198, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Hamburger Hafen-Diorama (1930) : port diorama; HMV Scheuer & Strüver 2008, pub.nbr. 3476; Maßstab 1:250, 12 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-199, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Leuchtturm "Hohe Weg" : lighthouse; HMV Scheuer & Strüver 2002, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-202, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Fregatte "La Belle Poule" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-203, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Oosterscheldekering : storm surge barrier/Sturmflutwehr; Paper Trade (Zeist) 2004, pub.nbr. 11, ISBN 9789080748880; Maßstab 1:350, 6 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-205, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Küstenbatterien Schleswig-Holstein & Lindemann (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-206, AGK DB, Map Lindemann, Map Schleswig-Holstein, Site Lindemann, Site Schleswig-Holstein, Wikipedia (guns))
- Lowestoft Lighthouse : Leuchtturm; Paper Shipwright 2008, pub.nbr. PL08; Maßstab 1:250, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-207, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Klemm L20d (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-208, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-209, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Berliner Schloss - Humboldtforum (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-268, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Eingangshalle U-Bahnhof Wittenbergplatz : access building of underground station Wittenbergplatz, Berlin; (unbekannt/keine Angabe) nach 1983, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:87 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 60 x 85 (cat.# LP-308, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia- Eintrag Vorbild)
Dipl. Ing. W. R. Borchardt hat laut Angabe auf dem Bogen die Eingangshalle von 1980 bis 1983 restauriert.
- Feuer-Spritze : fire engine [reprint]; Museum Neuruppin 1879/2004, pub.nbr. 6820; Maßstab 1:15 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 34 (cat.# LP-334, AGK DB, Feuerwehr Berlin, Vorlage)
Originally published in 1879 by Gustav Kühn, Neuruppin
- Reichstag Berlin : Berliner Luft 2005, pub.nbr. BR; Maßstab 1:1500 (errechnet, sehr grob), 1 sheet, size (cm) 21 x 10 (cat.# LP-341, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Sportflugzeug Klemm L26 V a mit Motor Argus As 8 : sports airplane [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1932/2012, pub.nbr. 685/86, ISBN 9783870293307; Maßstab 1:50, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-300, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1932 by J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen (in 1:22 scale).
- Impatience (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-122, AGK DB)
- Cornish Tin Mine Engine House : Zinnbergwerks-Maschinenhaus; Heritage Models R. Pattenden 1996, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:90, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-124, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Buddhistischer Tempel (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-125, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Dorf in Galiläa : village in Galilee; Aue Verlag Möckmühl 2000, pub.nbr. 107/108; Maßstab 1:?, 2 sheets, size (cm) 48,5 x 34,5 (cat.# LP-126, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Rifleman (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-210, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Ubåt No 1 Hajen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-211, AGK DB, Map, Original, Site, Wikipedia)
- Chram Svateho Vita (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-212, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Québec : Québec (L'Instant Durable 1:400 44x64x34 cm 17 sheets A4) (box 7); L'Instant Durable 1991, pub.nbr. 25, ISBN 2864040433; Maßstab 1:400, 17 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 (cat.# LP-213, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Kopernikus-Planetarium, Das (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-214, AGK DB, Kopernikus, Orrery)
- Park Güell : Barcelona; Dissenys Papeti SL 2002, pub.nbr. A40; Maßstab 1:150, 5 sheets, size (cm) 24,5 x 34 (cat.# LP-216, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Rose Shell - Oil Storage Hulk, 1921 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-217, AGK DB, Info)
- Ritter Rudolf (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-219, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Osprey : Fischadler; Birdmobile 1985-2006, pub.nbr. Birds of Prey #2; Maßstab 1:1, 17 sheets, size (cm) 30 x 42 (cat.# LP-220, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Fischkutter "Selma" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-222, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Chaire du Moyen Age : medieval chair/mittelalterlicher Stuhl; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. sièges de style 1; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-224, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Guggenheim Bilbao : museum; J.-L. Piroux 1998, pub.nbr. G01; Maßstab 1:500, 9 sheets, size (cm) 33 x 32 (cat.# LP-274, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Paper Automata : 4 funny automata; Tarquin Publications 2008, ISBN 189961821X; no scale, 14 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-275, AGK DB)
- Mathematical Curiosities : 12 mathematical shapes; Tarquin Publications 2006, ISBN 189961835X; no scale, 14 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-276, AGK DB)
- The Paper Locksmith : 3 working paper lock mechanisms; Tarquin Publications 1997, ISBN 1899618031; no scale, (cat.# LP-277, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Griechische Bireme (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-278, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Niederländisches Polizeiboot RP 59 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-309, AGK DB)
- Weihnachtsmann (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-310, AGK DB)
- Cañón : cannon/Kanone [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1935/2013, pub.nbr. 10/260, ISBN 9783870293369; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 20 x 28,2 (cat.# LP-301, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published about 1935 by Ediciones La Tijera, Madrid.
- Circus Roncalli : J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72439; Maßstab 1:100, 7 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-127, AGK DB, Original, Wikipedia)
- Velká Kniha Vystrihovanek (Mittelalterliche Stadt) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-129, AGK DB, Images)
- Make this Medieval Village : mittelalterliches Dorf; Usborne Publishing 1998, ISBN 074603301X; Maßstab 1:87, 8 sheets, size (cm) 46 x 30,5 (cat.# LP-135, AGK DB)
- Make this Medieval Town (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-136, AGK DB)
- Make this Viking Settlement (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-137, AGK DB, Haithabu, Map)
- Make this Cathedral (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-138, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Mont Saint-Michel (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-139, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Nürnberger Burg, Die (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-141, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- La 2CV Citroen berline (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-142, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Staroměstská radnice v Praze : Old town hall in Prague/Altstädter Rathaus in Prag; Betaxa ZS 2006, pub.nbr. 211, ISBN 8590632022119; Maßstab 1:160, 5 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31,5 (cat.# LP-143, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Niemiecka Armata Przeciwlotnicza Flak 36/37 (Flak 8.8) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-144, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Sd.Kfz. 7 (Halbketten-Artilleriezugmaschine) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-145, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Studnia Kazimierska : well/Brunnen in Kazimierz Dolno; Renova Model - Marcin Kudelski 2005, pub.nbr. 2, ISBN 17346487; Maßstab 1:25, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-146, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- The Grand Junction 90 Cornish Beam Engine : Balancier-Dampfmaschine; Heritage Models R. Pattenden 2003, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:60, 6 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-152, AGK DB, Map, Vorbild, Wikipedia)
The world's largest working beam engine at Kew Bridge Steam Museum Brentford, Middlesex, UK.
- Make This Castle (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-153, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Fairmile B Anti-Submarine Escort (1944) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-215, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Victorian Painted Lady : Dover Publications 1996, ISBN 0486292762; Maßstab 1:87, 6 sheets, size (cm) 24 x 31 (cat.# LP-225, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Waaggebouw-Deventer : city scale/Stadtwaage Deventer; Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt 1988, pub.nbr. A39; Maßstab 1:100, 5 sheets, size (cm) 30,5 x 44 (cat.# LP-226, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Rainbow Warrior : ship/Schiff; Möwe-Verlag S. Wolter & Co KG 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 1073; Maßstab 1:250, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 30 (cat.# LP-227, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
The former Greenpeace ship, the one that was built in 1957; its current name is Rongdhonu and its owner is now the Bangladeshi NGO Friendship.
- Mercedes Benz SSK 1921 : Mercedes Benz SSK 1921 (historical car Möwe-Verlag Wilhemshaven 1:25 16 cm 1.5 sheets 43x31 cm) (box Z); Möwe-Verlag S. Wolter & Co KG 2006-2009, pub.nbr. 4001; Maßstab 1:25, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 42 x 29,7 (cat.# LP-228, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Stirlingmotor, Der (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-229, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Schloss Hohenschwangau (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-230, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Cut and assemble a Medieval Castle (Caernarvon castle) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-231, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Molen de Palmboom Schiedam : windmill "the palmtree"/Windmühle "Die Palme"; Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt 1987, pub.nbr. A37; Maßstab 1:100, 3 sheets, size (cm) 30,5 x 44 (cat.# LP-232, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
The original mill burnt down in 1901. It was re-erected from 1991-1993 as the museum mill "the new palmtree" (De Nieuwe Palmboom).
- Wang kosciol ewangelicko-augsburski w Karpacu (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-233, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Maly kosciol gotycki w Szczecinie Pomorzanach XV r. (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-234, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Titanic (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-235, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Kosmodrom - Stacja Marsjanska Argon 1 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-236, AGK DB)
- Mlyn Wodny z Suwalszczyzny : water mill/Wassermühle; Andrzej Halinski 2000, pub.nbr. 2/2002, ISBN 12314404; Maßstab 1:87, 2 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-237, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Wawel Zamek Krolewski w Krakowie (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-238, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Steinway-Flügel (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-239, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Schlachtschiff 2. Klasse U.S.S. Maine (1895) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-240, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Tower Bridge and Tower of London : G.P. Putnam's Sons 1982, ISBN 0399505660; Maßstab 1:200, 14 sheets, size (cm) 47 x 31 (cat.# LP-280, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Der Kölner Dom (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-281, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Schloss Neuschwanstein (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-282, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Kappenwindmühle : windmill; Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum 1981, pub.nbr. MB 0802/M; Maßstab 1:60, 8 sheets, size (cm) 24 x 34 (cat.# LP-283, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Sanssouci : Schloss Sanssouci (Sanssouci palace Wolfgang Wesche) (box Z); Wesche Design 1991, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250 (errechnet), 6 sheets, size (cm) 29 x 40 (cat.# LP-287, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Fairmile B Torpedo Boat (1941) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-327, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Fairmile C Motor Gunboat 328 (1941) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-328, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Niszczyciel Campbeltown 1941/1942 : destroyer H.M.S. Campbeltown, 2 variants; Wydawnictwo JSC 2002, pub.nbr. 62 (10-2002), ISBN 15085449; Maßstab 1:400, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-90, AGK DB, Info, Map (explosion), Map (gun), Op. Chariot, Schiff)
The destroyer that was turned into a floating bomb for Operation Chariot, 1942-03-28. RIP.
- Micky Maus "Western-Express" : [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1976/2014, pub.nbr. Heft 35, 36, 37, 38, ISBN 9783870293413; Maßstab 1:60 (ca.), 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-302, AGK DB)
Original published in 1976 by Ehapa Verlag (in approx. 1:45 scale).
- Victorian Seaside Resort, A : viktorianisches Seebad; Dover Publications 1986, ISBN 0486250970; Maßstab 1:87, 12 sheets, size (cm) 23,5 x 31 (cat.# LP-154, AGK DB, Info, Info, List)
- Robie House : a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright; Dover Publications 1987, ISBN 0486253686; Maßstab 1:87, 16 sheets, size (cm) 23,5 x 31 (cat.# LP-155, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Hamburger Deichstraße : HMV Scheuer & Strüver 2000, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 5,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-156, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- 4 Hamburger Hafenfähren Lichtwark, Brinkmann, Hasse, Mahler (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-157, AGK DB, Betreiber, Map, Wikipedia)
- Regiomontanus-Sonnenuhr, Die (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-161, AGK DB, Regiomontanus, Sonnenuhr)
- Gotthard-Postkutsche (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-163, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
- Terry Pratchett's Unseen University (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-164, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (EN))
- St. Pauli Landungsbrücken Hamburg : St. Pauli Landungsbrücken Hamburg (Hamburger Modellbaubogen 1:250 91x30x16 cm 20 sheets A4) (box 7); HMV Scheuer & Strüver 2007, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 20 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-166, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Alte Seezeichen : old navigation signs; Möwe-Verlag S. Wolter & Co KG um 1991, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 2 sheets, size (cm) 30 x 43 (cat.# LP-167, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Koppelpoort Amersfoort (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-168, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Stonehenge : megalith stone circle; Brian & Lizzie Sanders 2001, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100 ((errechnet)), 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 38,5 x 38,5 (cat.# LP-169, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Krantor Danzig : Crane gate; J. F. Schreiber um 1996, pub.nbr. 72588; Maßstab 1:87, 9 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-171, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Zlatá Kniha Vystřihovánek (Das goldene Buch des Kartonmodellbaus) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-172, AGK DB)
- Habitat des Cévennes : houses/Häuser in the Cevennes; 3 models; L'Instant Durable 1990, pub.nbr. 23; Maßstab 1:130, 14 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-173, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Theatre a l'Italienne (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-174, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Comedie-Francaise (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-175, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Jugendstil - Theater Lübeck : Art Nouveau style theatre of Lübeck; Ulf Sommer um 1996, pub.nbr. ?; Maßstab 1:?, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-176, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Das neue deutsche Reichstagsgebäude : new German Reichstag buiding [reprint]; Museum europäischer Kulturen 1894/1999, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:?, 6 sheets, size (cm) 34 x 43 (cat.# LP-179, AGK DB, Map, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
reprint of a model by Adolph Engel, 1894; the model was designed before the building was completed and does not show its final state.
- Romantische Wassermühle : romantic water mill; J. F. Schreiber 1984, pub.nbr. 72217, ISBN 3480722172; Maßstab 1:40 (errechnet, grob), 3 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-180, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- SS Great Eastern (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-183, AGK DB, Info, Info, Wikipedia)
- Seitenradschlepper Strongbow (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-184, AGK DB, Image, Info)
- Make this Haunted House : verwunschenes Haus; Usborne Publishing 1991, ISBN 9780746084427; Maßstab 1:33, 16 sheets, size (cm) 31,5 x 23 (cat.# LP-185, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Make this Wizard's Castle (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-186, AGK DB)
- Zamek Slavkov-Austerlitz (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-187, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Hrad Karlstejn (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-188, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Mohyla Miru Austerlitz : burial mound of peace/Friedens-Grabhügel; Betaxa ZS 2004, pub.nbr. 145; Maßstab 1:100, 6 sheets, size (cm) 32 x 22 (cat.# LP-189, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Berliner Triebwagen TM33 und TM36 (Straßenbahn) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-190, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Bastelspaß Dampflokomotive (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-191, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Dampfschlepper Seima (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-241, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Montblanc en Retallable – Sant Francesc : the convent of St. Francis in Taragona; Associacio medieval d la Llegenda d Sant Jordi um 2006, pub.nbr. 01; Maßstab 1:120 (errechnet), 3 sheets, size (cm) 49,5 x 35 (cat.# LP-242, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Slot "De Sproketorens" : fairy tale castle/Märchenschloss; Uitgeverij Léon Schuijt 1971, pub.nbr. A20; Maßstab 1:100, 5 sheets, size (cm) 30,5 x 44 (cat.# LP-243, AGK DB, Webshop)
- Veere – Kasteel Sandenburgh : Sandenburgh castle/Sandenburg; Stichting 450 jaar Markizaat 2005, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:125 (?), 19 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-244, AGK DB, Map, Site, Site, Site (PDF, see p. 8+35), Wikipedia)
A castle that stood in Veere, Netherlands. It has disappeared, leaving only archeological traces. Several attempts at reconstruction have been made.
- Haut Koenigsbourg (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-245, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof : main railway station; Deutsche Bahn AG 2010, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:400, 18 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-247, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- 100-t-Schwimmkran "Langer Heinrich" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-248, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Autos Papertoys : 50 Autos; h. f. ullmann 2014, ISBN 9783848009169; Maßstab 1:30 (errechnet, grob), 50 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-329, AGK DB)
- Malbork - Marienburg (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-336, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Schenkenburg (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-337, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Morgan 2 Seater Sportscar : 2-sitziger Sportwagen [reduced print]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1955/2015, pub.nbr. -, ISBN 9783870293505; Maßstab 1:25, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-303, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published about 1955 by Veritas-Verlag, NL-Arnhem (in 1:10 scale).
- Versailles - Hameau de la reine (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-250, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Sydney Ferry "Golden Grove" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-251, AGK DB, Map, Video, Wikipedia)
- Mesanges (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-252, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Ägyptischer Schaduf (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-254, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Agrarflugzeug Z-37A "Cmelak" (Hummel) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-255, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Haus Werknummer 2257 : 3-storey house; HD-M-V Heidelberger Medien Verlag 2008, pub.nbr. 2257; Maßstab 1:160, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-256, AGK DB)
- Bergschlösschen Sassnitz/Crampass : Christian Biskup 2009, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:87, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-257, AGK DB, Map, Site)
A small castle-style restaurant above Sassnitz/Rügen, demolished in 1928.
- Hrad Pernštejn (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-258, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- FIAT 621 (polnisches Feuerwehrfahrzeug 1935-39) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-260, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Ford T (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-261, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Valasske fojtstvi : farmhouse/Bauernhaus; ERKOtyp, spol. s. r. o. 2005, pub.nbr. 15; Maßstab 1:120, 3 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-262, AGK DB, Map, Site)
Reconstructed building from 1793 at an open-air museum at Große Karlovice.
- Ägyptisches Wohnhaus : Egyptian house; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2010, pub.nbr. 689; Maßstab 1:87, 4,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-264, AGK DB, Info)
- Binnenschiff (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-266, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Berliner Schloss, Das (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-267, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Donjon de Vincennes (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-271, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Dom zu Aachen, Der (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-273, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Bastel-Paket 1: Mittelalterlicher Stadtkern (dazu Schloss Weißenberg und Burg Hornfeld) : medieval town and castle; J. F. Schreiber vor 1993, pub.nbr. 71256 u.a.; Maßstab 1:120, 8 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-294, AGK DB)
- Ritterburg (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-297, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Cessna 150 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-298, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Freiheitsstatue (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-299, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Thomaskirche zu Leipzig, Die (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-223, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Unterseeboot. "U9" : submarine [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1914/2016, pub.nbr. 1784, ISBN 9783870293543; Maßstab 1:25 (sehr grob, nicht dimensionstreu), 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-304, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published about end of 1914 C. Burckardt‘s Nachfolger R. Ackermann, Weißenburg/Elsass.
- ABC-Haus (zur Knirpsenstadt) : AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2016, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-338, AGK DB)
- Kakteen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-369, order)
- Fotokugel: Dürkoppwerke : photo sphere: Dürkopp factory, Bielefeld; meierdesign - Norbert Meier 1996, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 10 x 21 (cat.# LP-342, AGK DB, Map, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Fotokugel: Sendemast Bielstein, Südseite Detmold : photo sphere: antenna mast Bielstein, south side; meierdesign - Norbert Meier 1993, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 10 x 15 (cat.# LP-352, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Dampfschlepper "Fortuna" und Kohlenprahm "M.Pk.86" : steam tug and coal barge; Westfälisches Industriemuseum Schiffshebewerk Henrichenburg 2016, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100, 3 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-353, AGK DB, Medienwerkstatt, Wikipedia)
- Au Printemps (Grand magasin du XIXe siècle) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-270, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- La Forge (Sujet mécanique) : smithy/Schmiede [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1895/2017, pub.nbr. -, ISBN 9783870293567; Maßstab 1:45 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 22,5 x 35 (cat.# LP-312, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published before 1895 by Imagerie d'Epinal Pellerin.
- Knirpsenstadt : tykes’ town; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2017, ISBN 9783870293574; no scale, 2x16 sheets, size (cm) A3, auf A4 gefaltet (cat.# LP-313, AGK DB, Wiktionary [1])
- El Islam : moorish style/maurischer Stil; Editorial Miguel A. Salvatella S. A. 2013, pub.nbr. Cosmos 9, ISBN 9788472107090; Maßstab 1:50 (errechnet), 8 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 31,5 gefaltet (cat.# LP-67, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Gótico : gothic style/gotischer Stil; Editorial Miguel A. Salvatella S. A. 1999, pub.nbr. Cosmos 14, ISBN 9788484120377; Maßstab 1:50 (errechnet), 8 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 31,5 gefaltet (cat.# LP-69, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Grumpy Goat : mürrische Ziege; Flying Pig Gallery ca. 2008, pub.nbr. 7394400015; no scale, ? sheets, size (cm) 21 x 21 (cat.# LP-382, AGK DB)
- Skiing Sheep : Schaf in Schussfahrt; Flying Pig Gallery ca. 2006, pub.nbr. 7394400301; no scale, ? sheets, size (cm) 21 x 21 (cat.# LP-383, AGK DB)
- Römischer Belagerungsturm (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-311, AGK DB, Info, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Land Rover 109 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-314, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (EN))
- La chapelle Russe : Russian chapel/russsische Kapelle [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1880/2008, pub.nbr. 41; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 50 x 37,8 (cat.# LP-315, AGK DB, Map, Site, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Very similar to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Paris – so a bit of an understatement to call this a "chapel".
- Das Jagdschloss : hunting lodge; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2008, pub.nbr. 19; Maßstab 1:35 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 45 x 37 (cat.# LP-343, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Gärtnerhaus : gardener's house [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1875/2008, pub.nbr. 65; Maßstab 1:30 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 45 x 37 (cat.# LP-344, AGK DB, Vorlage)
Originally published about 1875 by D. M. Kanning, Hamburg
- Hochhaus. Rascacielos. Sky Scraper. Construction moderne très élevée : [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1925/2008, pub.nbr. 4142; Maßstab 1:300 (grob, errechnet), 2 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 68 gefaltet (cat.# LP-345, AGK DB, Map, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Obviously modeled after the Daily News Building, 2nd Av/E 42nd St, New York. Originally published in 1925 by Jos. Scholz Verlag, Mainz.
- Das Völkerschlacht-Denkmal in Leipzig : monument to the battle of nations [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1933/2008, pub.nbr. 852-854; Maßstab 1:35 (grob, errechnet), 3 sheets, size (cm) 43 x 36 (cat.# LP-346, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
- le Château de Wildegg - Schloss Wildegg - The Castle of Wildegg : [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1940/2008, pub.nbr. M.2; Maßstab 1:330 (grob, errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42,5 x 30,5 (cat.# LP-347, AGK DB, Map, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1940 by Stehli Frères, Zurich
- Le Château de Thoune - Schloss Thun - The Castle of Thun : [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1940/2008, pub.nbr. M.1; Maßstab 1:330 (grob, errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42,5 x 30,5 (cat.# LP-348, AGK DB, Map, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1940 by Stehli Frères, Zurich
- Sonnenuhr-Kruzifix : sundial crucifix [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1529/2008, pub.nbr. -; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) 21,5 x 48,5 (cat.# LP-349, AGK DB, Hartmann, Sonnenuhr, Vorlage)
A reprint of the oldest known card model, printed in 1529 by Georg Hartmann. The original is in the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg.
- Pickford & Co. Agents : Spedition/Frachtagentur [slightly reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1865/2010, pub.nbr. Small series 3, ISBN 9783870293154; Maßstab 1:40 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 50,8 x 42 (cat.# LP-350, AGK DB, Info, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Original published about 1865 by Friedrich Fleischer, Leipzig.
- Showboat '"Cotton Blossom", The : Schaudampfer [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1952/2009, pub.nbr. Set S, No. VI, ISBN 9783870293093; Maßstab 1:600, 1 sheet, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-351, AGK DB, Info, Vorlage, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1952 by Micromodels Ltd., London.
- Magirus-Deutz TLF 16 Feuerwehr : fire engine (pump water tender); J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2017, pub.nbr. 765; Maßstab 1:24, 11,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-354, AGK DB, BOS-Fahrzeuge, Wikipedia)
- Lichtenstein : Castle Lichtenstein/Württemberg; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2014, pub.nbr. 0733; Maßstab 1:160, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-355, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
The original is the Castle Lichtenstein/Württemberg (Schwäbische Alb).
- IMMH Fischkutter : trawler; HMV bei Fentens 2018, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100 (errechnet), 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-356, AGK DB, Quelle, Wikipedia)
- Papercraft Cat : Katze; low-poly 3D model; InArtCraft vor 2018, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:1, 16 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-357, AGK DB, Info, Source (Etsy))
- Pilatus Porter : Swiss "workhorse" airplane; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag um 2003, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100 (berechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-373, AGK DB, download, Originalmodell, Wikipedia)
- Museum of the Mind : Gedankenautomat; Zweitausendeins 1992, ISBN 0951872508; no scale, 16 sheets, size (cm) 24 x 34 (cat.# LP-358, AGK DB)
- Chaise à bras Louis XIII : armchair/Armsessel; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. sièges de style 3; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-374, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Fauteuil à la reine Louis XiV : armchair/Sessel; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. sièges de style 4; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-375, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Fauteuil de canne Régence : Regency period cane chair/Flechtsessel; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. sièges de style 5; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-376, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Fauteuil en cabriolet Louis XV : curved chair/geschwungener Stuhl; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. sièges de style 6; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-377, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Fauteuil à dossier médaillon Louis XVI : chair with oval back/Stuhl mit ovaler Lehne; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. sièges de style 7; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-378, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Fauteuil de la Reine Hétéphères Egypte, Ancien Empire, IVème Dynastie : chair of the queen of Egypt/Stuhl der ägyptischen Königin; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. 10, ISBN 2018-09-17; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-379, AGK DB, Hetepheres I., original, Wikipedia)
- Fauteuil de Molière : Molière's chair/Stuhl von Molière; Baobab Design 1999, pub.nbr. 11; Maßstab 1:7 (ca.), 1 sheet, size (cm) 68,5 x 32 (2x gefaltet) (cat.# LP-380, AGK DB, background, background, Molière, original, Wikipedia)
the story goes that he died in this chair while his last piece was performed
- Automatenzoo oder Der Park der Stille : zoo of automata or the park of tranquility; Zweitausendeins 1996 (1. Auflage 1986), pub.nbr. -, ISBN 3807702199; no scale, 16 sheets, size (cm) 24 x 34 (cat.# LP-359, AGK DB, Vorlage)
- Early American Seaport : früher amerikanischer Seehafen; Dover Publications 1984, ISBN 0486247546; Maßstab 1:87, 16 sheets, size (cm) 23,5 x 31 (cat.# LP-381, AGK DB, museum)
- Zwei moderne Straßenkampfwagen : two modern armoured cars [reduced reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1930/2018, pub.nbr. M 43, ISBN 9783870293642; Maßstab 1:56 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 26,1 x 34,3 (cat.# LP-318, AGK DB, Vorlage, Wikipedia)
Originally published about 1930 by Rapi Rauert & Pittius AG, Sorau (Żary).
- Rathaus Gera : town hall; Junge Welt Verlag 1977, pub.nbr. 6842529; Maßstab 1:200, 4 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-360, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Modellir-Bogen Feuerwehrhelm : Prussian fireman's helmet; Museum Neuruppin 1879?/2004, pub.nbr. 7849; Maßstab 1:1,4 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 26 x 28,5 (cat.# LP-385, AGK DB, info, Wikipedia)
Originally published by Gustav Kühn, Neuruppin
- Maschinenbauerei : machine shop; Museum Neuruppin 1859/2004, pub.nbr. 3368; Maßstab 1:40 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 33,5 (cat.# LP-386, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1859 by Oehmigke & Riemschneider, Neuruppin
- Windmühle : windmill; Museum Neuruppin 1858/2004, pub.nbr. 3270; Maßstab 1:60 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42 x 33,5 (cat.# LP-387, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Originally published in 1859 by Oehmigke & Riemschneider, Neuruppin. Model may be powered by sand.
- Modellir-Carton Schweizerhaus : swiss cottage; Museum Neuruppin 1878/2004, pub.nbr. 6601; Maßstab 1:45 (errechnet; variierend), 1 sheet, size (cm) 42,5 x 34 (cat.# LP-388, AGK DB, images, info)
Original 1878 by Gustav Kühn, Neuruppin
- Ritterburg – Knight's Castle – Château d'un chevalier : based on Lichtenstein castle; Museum Neuruppin 1907/2006, pub.nbr. 10077; Maßstab 1:90 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 33,5 x 42,5 (cat.# LP-389, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
Originally published about 1907 by Oehmigke & Riemenschneider, Neuruppin
- Hanomag-Schlepper R 40 AE : tractor; J. F. Schreiber um 2000, pub.nbr. 72479; Maßstab 1:24, 4 sheets, size (cm) 22 x 31 (cat.# LP-391, AGK DB, Wikibooks, Wikimedia)
- Lilienthal-Gleiter : glider; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag um 2000, pub.nbr. 566, ISBN 387029566X; Maßstab 1:24, 2 sheets, size (cm) 44 x 31 (cat.# LP-392, AGK DB, info, Wikipedia)
- Ferris Wheel : Riesenrad; Dover Publications 1992, ISBN 0486273407; Maßstab 1:36 (errechnet), 16 sheets, size (cm) 23,5 x 31 (cat.# LP-393, AGK DB, background, Ferris, image, Wikipedia)
- Circus Roncalli - Zirkuswagen : circus caravan; J. F. Schreiber um 1992, pub.nbr. 72468, ISBN 9783480724680; Maßstab 1:20, 7 sheets, size (cm) 31x22 (cat.# LP-394, AGK DB, Fotos, Original, Wikipedia)
- Grazer Uhrenturm : clock tower; J. F. Schreiber um 1992, pub.nbr. 72445, ISBN 3480724450; Maßstab 1:90, 3,5 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-395, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Amazonen-Kriegerin : Amazon warrior; Walter Ruffler 2002, pub.nbr. WR026; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-396, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
- Circus Roncalli - Feuerwehrauto : circus utility vehicle - fire engine; J. F. Schreiber ca. 1992, pub.nbr. 72585, ISBN 3480725856; Maßstab 1:20, 5,5 sheets, size (cm) 31x22 (cat.# LP-397, AGK DB, Original, Original, Wikipedia)
- Haus Scharoun – (Bauhaus) Weißenhof Stuttgart : Scharoun house; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2019, pub.nbr. 779, ISBN 9783870297794; Maßstab 1:87, 5 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-398, AGK DB, article, Info, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
Building no. 33 of this assembly
- Burg Kriebstein : Kriebstein castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2019, pub.nbr. 778, ISBN 9783870297787; Maßstab 1:250, 12 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-399, AGK DB, Info, Info, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Vespa PK 50 : J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2019, pub.nbr. 780, ISBN 9783870297800; Maßstab 1:8, 7 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-400, AGK DB, Info, Wikipedia)
Motorroller/scooter, can be built in 1 of 2 colours (red/turquoise)
- Leonardo da Vinci's Flying Machine Kit : Dover Publications 2019, ISBN 9780486836478; no scale, 20 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-401, AGK DB, original, store site, Wikipedia)
- Alte märkische Kleieisenzeugschmiede : small historic ironware smithy; Westfälisches Freilichtmuseum 2017, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:100, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-402, AGK DB, Catalogue (building no. 10), Map, Site)
- Kranbaggerschiff BIsam : AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2019, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-403, AGK DB, Building report, Original ship, Publisher's site, Ship in action - press report)
- Das Hendrich Haus im Mittelschreiberhau : the house of Hermann Hendrich; Christian Biskup 2015, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:87, 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-404, AGK DB, Hermann Hendrich, Map, Nibelungenhort, Schreiberhau)
- Tower Bridge in London : J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2008, pub.nbr. 671, ISBN 9783870296711; Maßstab 1:300, 8,5 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-405, AGK DB, Image, Map, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Notre-Dame Paris : cathedral; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2020, pub.nbr. 787, ISBN 9783870297879; Maßstab 1:300, 12,5 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-406, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Die Zitadelle Spandau (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-407, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Strahlenburg : castle; (unbekannt/keine Angabe) 2011, pub.nbr. 09; Maßstab 1:220, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-408, AGK DB, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
- Projekt Obelisk (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-409, Image, Map (original place), Map (today), Wikipedia)
- Kesselwagen Shell 1932 : railroad tank wagon; roko Robert Kofler, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 1 sheet, size (cm) A6 (cat.# LP-410, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
add-on for the Hafendiorama series of the same publisher
- Roubená stavba Maměnka z Pusteven (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-411, Info, Map, Report (Czech), Wikipedia)
- Vinohradnické stavby (Dopliňky kolejiště I) : Winzergebäude (Modellbahnzubehör I)/vineyard (model railway accessory I); abc (Ringier CZ a. s.) 20-29 1977, pub.nbr. 21/14; Maßstab 1:140, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-412, AGK DB)
Weinpresse und Weinkeller
- Zámek na okraji Prahy (Chvalkský Zámek) : Schloss Chvaly am Stadtrand von Prag/Chvaly castle on the outskirts of Prague; abc (Ringier CZ a. s.) 50-59 2011, ISBN 977032295800625; Maßstab 1:300, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-413, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Kortonmodell der Schachtanlage HERCULES der Zeche Vereinigte Nachtigall Tiefbau 1840 : Colliery Nachtigall, pit HERCULES, in Witten; LWL-Industriemuseum Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Industriekultur 2020, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:250, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-414, AGK DB, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
- Hauptmann zu Pferd (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-415)
- Hochhäuser : high-rise buldings [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2020, pub.nbr. 71428, 71448-71453, ISBN 9783870293758; Maßstab 1:120, 9 sheets, size (cm) A3 gefaltet, + Beiblatt (cat.# LP-416, AGK DB, AGK)
collection of 7 buildings
- Hochhaus : high-rise building [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2020, pub.nbr. 71451; Maßstab 1:120, 1 sheet, size (cm) A3 gefaltet, + Beiblatt (cat.# LP-417, AGK DB, AGK)
reprint of a 1968 model
- Chenonceau : Chenonceau castle; L'Autre Chemin 2019, ISBN 9782490629015; Maßstab 1:200, 10 sheets, size (cm) 22x35 cm (cat.# LP-418, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Schwalbennest : coastal castle "swallow's nest"; Oriel 2011, pub.nbr. 102; Maßstab 1:150, 2 sheets, size (cm) A3 gefaltet (cat.# LP-419, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Dalempoort, Gorinchem 1597 : town wall gate tower of the former Gornichem citadel; Paper Trade (Zeist) 2011, pub.nbr. 38; Maßstab 1:87, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-420, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (NL))
- The Museum of Garden History, London : Heritage Models R. Pattenden 2006, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:200, 2 sheets, size (cm) A3 gefaltet (cat.# LP-421, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Siegessäule Berlin : Voctory Column, Berlin; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2020, pub.nbr. 786, ISBN 9783870297862; Maßstab 1:160, 6 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 cm (cat.# LP-422, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Stonehenge : J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2020, pub.nbr. 791, ISBN 9783870297916; Maßstab 1:250, 4 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 cm (cat.# LP-423, AGK DB,, English heritage site, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Pantheon Rom : J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2011, pub.nbr. 707, ISBN 9783870297077; Maßstab 1:300, 7 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 cm (cat.# LP-424, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Palais des Papes, Avignon : papal palace of Avignon; L'Instant Durable 1991, pub.nbr. 26; Maßstab 1:300, 28 sheets, size (cm) 22x31 cm (cat.# LP-425, AGK DB, Map, Site, Virtual model, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Hrad a zámek Frýdlant : castle and palace/Burg und Schloss; z-art 2019, pub.nbr. Frýdlant; Maßstab 1:300, 18 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-426, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Hrad Lietava : castle/Burg; z-art 2015, pub.nbr. 2015052570016; Maßstab 1:300, 32 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-427, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
2 building options: actual state (=ruin), original state
- Hrad Trosky : castle/Burg; z-art 2014, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:300, 20 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-428, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
2 building options: actual state (=ruin), original state
- Hrádek Celadná : small castle/kleine Burg; z-art 2012, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:300, 12 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-429, AGK DB, Info, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (cz))
- Hrad Frýdštejn : castle/Burg; z-art 2014, pub.nbr. Hrad Frýdštejn; Maßstab 1:300, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-430, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Hrad Loket : castle/Burg Elbogen; z-art 2015, pub.nbr. Hrad Loket; Maßstab 1:300, 12 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-431, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
(a.k.a. Burg Elbogen)
- Hrad Zvíkov : castle/Burg; z-art 2020, pub.nbr. Zvikov; Maßstab 1:400, 16 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-433, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Hrad Šternberk : castle/Burg; z-art 2014, pub.nbr. 2014092270014; Maßstab 1:300, 17 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-432, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Trenčianský hrad : castle/Burg Trenčín; z-art 2018, pub.nbr. Treciansky Hrad; Maßstab 1:400, 24 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-434, AGK DB, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
- El Castellet Perpiny'a : small castle/kleine Burg; Editorial Miguel A. Salvatella S. A. 1990, pub.nbr. Monuments Retallables 08, ISBN 9788472104860; Maßstab 1:100 (errechnet), 5 sheets, size (cm) 31,5x43 (cat.# LP-435, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia (en))
remainder (tower) of the historic city wall
- Font de la Portaferrissa : Portaferrissa fountain; La Ciutat des Paper/Dissenys Papeti SL 1989, pub.nbr. B-29290-1989; Maßstab 1:40, 1 sheet, size (cm) 24,5 x 34,5 (cat.# LP-436, AGK DB, Info, Info (PDF), Map, Site, Wikimedia, Wikimedia, Wikimedia)
commissioned by REPSOL & Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Font de l'Efebus : Ephebos fountain, Ephebus-Brunnen; La Ciutat des Paper/Dissenys Papeti SL 1989, pub.nbr. B-29291-1989; Maßstab 1:25, 1 sheet, size (cm) 24,5 x 34,5 (cat.# LP-437, AGK DB, Info (PDF), Map, Site, Wikimedia)
commissioned by REPSOL & Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Font de la Caputxeta : Little Red Riding Hood fountain. Rotkäppchenbrunnen; La Ciutat des Paper/Dissenys Papeti SL 1989, pub.nbr. B-29292-1989; Maßstab 1:25, 1 sheet, size (cm) 24,5 x 34,5 (cat.# LP-438, AGK DB, Info (PDF), Map, Site, Wikimedia)
commissioned by REPSOL & Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Font de la Granota : frog fountain, Froschbrunnen; La Ciutat des Paper/Dissenys Papeti SL 1989, pub.nbr. B-29293-1989; Maßstab 1:25, 1 sheet, size (cm) 24,5 x 34,5 (cat.# LP-439, AGK DB, Info, Info (PDF), Map, Site, Virtual model)
commissioned by REPSOL & Ajuntament de Barcelona
- Železničí stanice a hradlo : Railway station and switch tower/Bahnhof und Stellwerk; abc (Ringier CZ a. s.) 40-49 1999, pub.nbr. Vol. 44 Nr. 23; Maßstab 1:150, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-440, AGK DB)
- Moped Babeta 210 : Jawa Babetta 210; abc (Ringier CZ a. s.) 40-49 2003, pub.nbr. Vol. 48 Nr. 15; Maßstab 1:15, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-441, AGK DB, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
- Hodiny : clock/Uhr; abc (Ringier CZ a. s.) 40-49 2003, pub.nbr. Vol. 48 Nr. 13; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-442, AGK DB)
- La Pedrera de Gaudi : Casa Milà, nicknamed "the quarry", Barcelona; Ediciones Merino 1997, ISBN 8486912539; Maßstab 1:180, 8 sheets, size (cm) 48 x 32, gefaltet (cat.# LP-443, AGK DB, Info, Map, Site, Virtual model, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
Coleccion Grandes Monumentos; la pedrera = the quarry/der Steinbruch
- Koga elblaska z 1350 roku : cog from the 1350 seal of Elbląg/Elbinger Kogge von 1350; Mały Modelarz 2000, pub.nbr. 2000/09, ISBN 0137883X; Maßstab 1:100, 3,5 sheets, size (cm) A3 quer (cat.# LP-444, AGK DB, forum, Map (Elbing), Museum, Wikimedia)
a reconstruction from the 1350 seal of the town Elbing/Elbląg
- Vollenhovense Bol "Krullebol" : flat bottom yacht; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2020, pub.nbr. S20; Maßstab 1:100, 3 sheets, size (cm) A5 (+ Segel) (cat.# LP-445, AGK DB, info, info (similar))
the ship's name Krullebol means "curly head" in Dutch
- Westmolenfeuer Emden : harbour lighthouse; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2017, pub.nbr. -1; Maßstab 1:100, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 gefaltet (cat.# LP-446, AGK DB, Info, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
2 models
- Neuer Leuchtturm Kap Arkona Insel Rügen : lighthouse; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2007, pub.nbr. L08-1; Maßstab 1:100, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-448, AGK DB, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
- Schinkelturm Kap Arkona Insel Rügen : historical lighthouse; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2008, pub.nbr. L09-1; Maßstab 1:100, 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-449, AGK DB, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
- Passage Island Light Station : lighthouse; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2017, pub.nbr. L27-1; Maßstab 1:100, 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-450, AGK DB, Info, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
Keewenaw County, MI, USA
- Schiffsmühle Minden : ship mill in Minden; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2009, pub.nbr. A03; Maßstab 1:100, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-451, AGK DB, Map, Site, Site, Site, Wikipedia)
- Inselfestung Wilhelmstein : island fortress; Kartonwerft (Imogen Stowasser) 2006, pub.nbr. A02; Maßstab 1:250, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-452, AGK DB, Forum, Info, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
Steinhuder Meer
- Theater-Krippe : nativity crib; J. F. Schreiber nach 1985, pub.nbr. 72050; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-453, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Verkehrsflugzeug Dornier Merkur : commercial airplane Dornier Merkur [reprint]; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 2021, pub.nbr. 733, ISBN ZGK2021; Maßstab 1:120, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-454, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
Original published 1932 by J. F. Schreiber, Esslingen, in 1:40 scale
- Spanisch-Brötli-Bahn - Lokomotive "Limmat" : swiss railway engine; Pädagogischer Verlag des Lehrerinnen- und Lehrervereins Zürich 2003 (2. Auflage), pub.nbr. 311; Maßstab 1:32 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 73,5 x 34,5 gefaltet (cat.# LP-455, AGK DB, video, Wikimedia, Wikipedia)
eigentlich Schweizerische Nordbahn (SNB)
- Spanisch-Brötli-Bahn - Tender : swiss railway coal tender; Pädagogischer Verlag des Lehrerinnen- und Lehrervereins Zürich 1984, pub.nbr. 312; Maßstab 1:32 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 45 x 34,5 gefaltet (cat.# LP-456, AGK DB, Video, Wikipedia)
eigentlich Schweizerische Nordbahn (SNB)
- Spanisch-Brötli-Bahn - Personenwagen 1. Klasse : swiss railway carraige 1st class; Pädagogischer Verlag des Lehrerinnen- und Lehrervereins Zürich 1984, pub.nbr. 313; Maßstab 1:32 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) 73,5 x 34,5 (cat.# LP-457, AGK DB, Video, Wikipedia)
eigentlich Schweizerische Nordbahn (SNB)
- Das Sonnen-Teleskop : sun telescope; AstroMedia nach 1985, pub.nbr. 234.STL; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-458, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
magnification 6.5
- Das Historische Galilei-Teleskop : Galilei's telescope; AstroMedia nach 2006, pub.nbr. 232.HGT, ISBN 393536430X; Maßstab 1:1, 6 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-459, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
magnification 10
- Das Kepler-Teleskop : Kepler telescope; AstroMedia nach 2006, pub.nbr. 111.KEP; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-461, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
magnification 10
- Das Taschen-Zoom-Mikroskop : pocket zoom microscope; AstroMedia nach 2006, pub.nbr. 225.TZM, ISBN 393536427X; no scale, 1 sheet, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-462, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
magnification 20-40
- Das Pseudoskop : pseudoscope; AstroMedia nach 2012, pub.nbr. 421.PSK, ISBN 3935364415; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-463, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (EN))
- Der Masken-Bausatz : medical mask DIY kit; AstroMedia 2020, pub.nbr. 991.MBS; Maßstab 1:1, 5 sheets, size (cm) 11 x 11 (cat.# LP-464, Site, Wikipedia)
- Die Wahre-Zeit-Uhr : true time clock; AstroMedia nach 2012, pub.nbr. 231.WZU; no scale, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-465, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
- Die Camera Obscura : AstroMedia nach 1985, pub.nbr. 419.COB; no scale, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-466, AGK DB, Site, Wikipedia)
- Kapelle Hohenlychen : chapel; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2004, pub.nbr. 1675; Maßstab 1:120, 3,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-467, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Frohnauer Hammer - Herrenhaus : hammer forge - mansion; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2002, pub.nbr. 1678; Maßstab 1:120, 5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-468, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Erlichthof Rietschen - Schrotholzhäuser : rural log buildings; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2003, pub.nbr. 1672-1; Maßstab 1:87, 7 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-469, AGK DB, Info, Map, Site, Wikipedia, Wikipedia (construction))
5 buildings, part of an open-air museum
- Dom zu Merseburg : cathedral; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2004, pub.nbr. 1659; Maßstab 1:300, 7 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-470, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- St. Peter und Paul Görlitz : church; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2004, pub.nbr. 1696; Maßstab 1:300, 7,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-471, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Kloster Chorin : abbey; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2002, pub.nbr. 1695; Maßstab 1:250, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-472, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Kugelhaus Dresden : spherical building; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2003, pub.nbr. 1685; Maßstab 1:120, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-473, AGK DB, Historical map, Map (approx. former site), Site, Site, Wikipedia)
demolished 1938
- Postmeilensäule in Sachsen : postal milestone column; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2005, pub.nbr. 5021; Maßstab 1:87, 1 sheet, size (cm) A6 (Postkarte) (cat.# LP-474, AGK DB, Map (Dohna), Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
of 1727 (Dohna?)
- Feuerwehr-Gerätewagen : fire brigade, equipment truck; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2005, pub.nbr. 1805; Maßstab 1:25, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-475, AGK DB, Virtual model (similar))
- Feuerwehr-Löschfahrzeug : fire engine; Dietmar Börner, Gottschdorf 2005, pub.nbr. 1804; Maßstab 1:25, 2 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-476, AGK DB, Virtual model (similar))
- Mini Mundus: Alte Küche : old kitchen; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72469, ISBN 3380724698; Maßstab 1:12, 10,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-477, AGK DB, Mini Mundus, Original, Wikipedia)
similar to Mini Mundus article no. 40400
- Steineck : (fictious) castle; J. F. Schreiber um 1991, pub.nbr. 72168, ISBN 3480721680; Maßstab 1:120, 6 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-478, AGK DB)
- Romantische Ritterburg : romantic knight's castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2003, pub.nbr. 603, ISBN 9783870296032; Maßstab 1:120, 5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-479, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Burg Rheinstein : castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2017, pub.nbr. 757, ISBN 9783870297572; Maßstab 1:160, 6,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-480, AGK DB, Info, Info, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Victorian Jewellers Shop : Alphagraphix 1991, pub.nbr. A102; Maßstab 1:40 ((errechnet)), 1,5 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-489, AGK DB, Shop)
- Biedermeierzimmer : Biedermeier room; J. F. Schreiber ca. 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 72470, ISBN 3480724701; Maßstab 1:12, 12 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-493, AGK DB, Mini Mundus, Original, Wikipedia)
similar to Mini Mundus article no. 40400
- Flugdrache : flying dragon; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2004, pub.nbr. 614, ISBN 9783870296148; no scale, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 22 cm (cat.# LP-494, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Roter Drache (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-495, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Adventskalender-Dorf (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-496, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Vis-a-vis Decauville (1901) : oldtimer car; J. F. Schreiber 1985-2006, pub.nbr. 71261, ISBN 3480712614; Maßstab 1:25, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-497, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
= Decauville 5 CV
- Filmmaschine Zoëtrop : film machine Zoetrope; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2006/2007, pub.nbr. 646, ISBN 9783870296469; Maßstab 1:1, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-498, AGK DB, Example, Wikipedia)
a.k.. Wundertrommel
- Mittelalterliches Rathaus : medieval town hall; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag um 1986, pub.nbr. 72183, ISBN 3480721834; Maßstab 1:32 (errechnet), 5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-499, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Häuser aus Lüneburg 2 : houses from Lüneburg; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2009, pub.nbr. 662, ISBN 9783870296629; Maßstab 1:160, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-500, AGK DB, Map, Map Nr. 21/22, Map Nr. 9/10, Wikipedia)
Am Sande 21/22, Am Stintmarkt 9/10
- Burg Bärenfels : Bärenfels castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2015, pub.nbr. 750, ISBN 9783870297503; Maßstab 1:200, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-502, AGK DB, Baubericht, Wikipedia)
- Ritterburg : knight's castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2005, pub.nbr. 634, ISBN 3870296348; Maßstab 1:120, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-503, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Burg Modlstein : Modlstein castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2018, pub.nbr. 771, ISBN 9783870297718; Maßstab 1:72, 7,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-504, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Burg Rotenfeld : Rotenfeld caste; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2010, pub.nbr. 694, ISBN 9783870296940; Maßstab 1:250, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-505, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
fictious castle, but closely resembles the castle of Nidzica (Neidenburg), Poland (ex East Prussia)
- Burg Blankenstein : Blankenstein castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2007, pub.nbr. 667, ISBN 9783870296674; Maßstab 1:250, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-506, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
a fictitious castle, in a style typical for northern Germany
- Götzenburg Möckmühl : Möckmühl castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2004, pub.nbr. 612, ISBN 9783870296124; Maßstab 1:160, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 cm (cat.# LP-507, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Schloss Lichtenstein : Lichtenstein castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2021, pub.nbr. 794, ISBN 9783870297947; Maßstab 1:160, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-508, AGK DB, Map, Virtual model, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
The original is the Castle Lichtenstein/Württemberg (Schwäbische Alb). This model has been completely new designed from the Hubert Siegmund edition.
- Ritterburg Froggelstein : Knight's castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2021, pub.nbr. 796, ISBN 9783870297961; Maßstab 1:120, 5,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-509, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Konzertflügel : grand piano; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2021, pub.nbr. 797, ISBN 9783870297978; Maßstab 1:9, 5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-510, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Hafen-Diorama : harbour diorama; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2021, pub.nbr. 798, ISBN 9783870297985; Maßstab 1:250, 12,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-511, AGK DB)
A small-town inand harbour as it might have looked inpre-industrial times.
- Mittelalterliche Burg : medieval castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2008, pub.nbr. 676, ISBN 9783870296766; Maßstab 1:25 (errechnet), 9 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-512, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Ritterburg Rudolfseck : knight's castle; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2006, pub.nbr. 637, ISBN 9783870296377; Maßstab 1:200 (errechnet), 2 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-513, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Mittelalterliche Kleinstadt : medieval town; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2013, pub.nbr. 729, ISBN 9783870297299; Maßstab 1:250, 5,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-514, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia Rothenburg)
The inset cover image shows streets in Rothenburg ob der Tauber
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 3 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2005, pub.nbr. 640, ISBN 9783870296407; Maßstab 1:87, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-519, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
2 buildings; includes 1 additional, alternative facade
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 4 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2007, pub.nbr. 660, ISBN 9783870296605; Maßstab 1:87, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-520, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
2 buildings; includes 1 additional, alternative facade
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 5 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2008, pub.nbr. 672, ISBN 9783870296728; Maßstab 1:87, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-521, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
3 buildings
- Hotel Eisenhut - Christkindlmarkt : J. F. Schreiber 1992, pub.nbr. 72444, ISBN 3480724442; Maßstab 1:160, (cat.# LP-522, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia Rothenburg)
Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Herrngasse 2 + 4
- Variable Lukaskirche (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-523, Wikipedia, Wikipedia St. Lukas, Leipzig)
- Festung Hohensalzburg : Fortress; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2013, pub.nbr. 726, ISBN 9783870297268; Maßstab 1:400, 12 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-524, AGK DB, Info, Info, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Burg Cochem (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-525, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Albrecht-Dürer-Haus Nürnberg : J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2008, pub.nbr. 680, ISBN 9783870296803; Maßstab 1:160, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-526, AGK DB, 3D model, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Heidelberger Schloss : Heidelberg Castle; ILO ARTS Heidelberg 2018, pub.nbr. 0753626103739; Maßstab 1:500, 16 sheets, size (cm) A3 quer (cat.# LP-527, AGK DB, Info, Map, Publisher, Site, Virtual model, Wikipedia)
- Buque de Guerra (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-528)
- Lausitzer Bauernhäuser (Burg/Spreewald) : Lausitz cottages; VEB Domowina-Verlag 1990, pub.nbr. 5902518 (90/84), ISBN 3742005162; Maßstab 1:80 (Errechnet), 4 sheets, size (cm) A3 (auf A4 gefaltet, geheftet) (cat.# LP-529, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
3 buildings: Kahnschuppen (Burg-Kauper 193), Wohnhaus (Burg-Kauper 124), Stall-Galeriehaus (Burg) (heute als "Hof Burg" im Spreewaldmuseum Lehde).
- Nový hrad u Adamova (Neue Burg Adamov/Adamsthal) : new Adamov castle; z-art 2020, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:220, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-515, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Hrad Valečov (Felsenburg Valecov) : Valečov castle; z-art 2019, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:300, 8 sheets, size (cm) A3 (cat.# LP-516, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
2 possible states (reconstruction or ruins)
- Kestřanské tvrze (Festungen aus Kestřany/Kesterschan) : 2 castles in Kestřany; ERKOtyp, spol. s. r. o. 2019, pub.nbr. ER-28, ISBN 8594042100283; Maßstab 1:200, 11 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-517, AGK DB, Map (Oberburg), Map (Unterburg), Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
2 castles (upper and lower castle) (Oberburg/Niederburg
- Hrádek Štandl (Burg Štandl) : Standl castle; z-art 2022, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:200, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-518, AGK DB, Map, Map (, Site, Site, Wikipedia)
a reconstruction of a Turmhügelburg (motte and bailey castle)
- Feuerwehr-Löschfahrzeug (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-571)
- Feuerwehr-Rettungswagen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-572)
- Executioner : Arcturus Publishing Ltd. ca. 2000, pub.nbr. 06364; no scale, 8 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-530, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Pension Waldesruh (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-533, AGK DB)
- Das Decameron (16. Novelle) (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-535)
- Durch die wilden Berge (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-538, AGK DB)
- Geburtstagsparty im Stall (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-540, AGK DB)
- Paper Porn Production (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-550, AGK DB)
- Die Sache mit van Goghs Ohr (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-552)
- Süpermän (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-557)
- Bau dir dein Ex-Karstadt (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-567, Info, Map, Wikipedia)
- La boite secrète de Nevers : the secret venue in Nevers / das verschwiegene Lokal in Nevers; AGK Arbeitskreis Geschichte des Kartonmodellbaus 1904/2022, pub.nbr. -; Maßstab 1:75 (errechnet), 1 sheet, size (cm) A3, auf A4 gefaltet (cat.# LP-573, AGK DB)
Original published 30.7.1904 in 30,5x46,5 cm size as an attachment to the "Le Rire" magazine #78, Paris, first reprinted in 1974 by Edition Genoveva, Berlin.
- Wasserschutzpolizeiboot WSP 10 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-574)
- Futterhaus (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-575, AGK, Designer)
- Fünf Marineschiffe (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-576, AGK)
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 1 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2004, pub.nbr. 627, ISBN 9783870296278; Maßstab 1:87, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-577, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
2 buildings; includes 2 additional, alternative facades
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 2 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2004, pub.nbr. 628, ISBN 9783870296285; Maßstab 1:87, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-578, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
3 half-timbered buildings
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 6 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2010, pub.nbr. 697, ISBN 9783870296971; Maßstab 1:87, 2,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-579, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
2 buildings; includes 2 additional, alternative facades
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 7 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2016, pub.nbr. 751, ISBN 9783870297510; Maßstab 1:87, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-580, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt! Set 8 : Let's Make an Old Town!; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2019, pub.nbr. 774, ISBN 9783870297749; Maßstab 1:87, 4 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-581, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
3 buildings
- Kirche Pfersbach - Wir bauen eine Altstadt : Church Pfersbach ("we make an old town" series); J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2009, pub.nbr. 686, ISBN 9783870296865; Maßstab 1:87, 3 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-582, AGK DB, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
- Fabrikgebäude : factory building; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2017, pub.nbr. 764, ISBN 9783870297640; Maßstab 1:87, 6 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-583, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia, Wikipedia)
based on a real factory in Tampere, Finland, south of the Tammerkoski canal.
- Zwei Häuser aus Lüneburg (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-584, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Windmühle mit Bauernhaus : windmill with farmhouse; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2004, pub.nbr. 607, ISBN 9783870296070; Maßstab 1:87, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-585, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
The windmill shown on the cover stands in the LWL-Freilichtmuseum at Detmold.
- Marien-Apotheke (Marktplatz 10) und Gewerbehalle (Marktplatz 9) in Rothenburg ob der Tauber : Marien pharmacy and trading hall in Rothenburg; J. F. Schreiber 1994, pub.nbr. 72474, ISBN 3480724744; Maßstab 1:160, 6 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-586, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Zwei Fachwerkhäuser aus Celle (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-587, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
- Mittelalterliches Spital Blaubeuren : medieval hospital; J. F. Schreiber im Aue Verlag 2014, pub.nbr. 732, ISBN 9783870297329; Maßstab 1:87, 4,5 sheets, size (cm) 31 x 44 (cat.# LP-588, AGK DB, Map, Wikipedia)
The model shows a simplified (historical?) arrangement of the buildings.
- Podwodny Brander O.B. Gerna 1854 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-534, Wikipedia (O. B. Gern))
- The Paper Organ (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-590, AGK DB, Site, Site (facebook), Video)
- Engelbengel (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-596, AGK DB)
- Spidermän (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-597)
- Im glücklichen Weltall (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-598, AGK DB)
- Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-600, AGK DB)
- Wurmboy Rodeo (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-601)
- Pinocchio das Holzbübchen (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-602)
- Papierophon 45R (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-604)
- Turm von Belém, Lissabon (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-606, 3D model, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Kleines Dorf-Ensemble (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-607, AGK DB)
- Burg Konradsweil (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-608, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Dorf mit Fachwerkhäusern (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-609, AGK DB, Wikipedia)
- Kaiser-Wilhem-Gedächtniskirche Berlin (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-610, Map, Wikipedia)
- Wir bauen eine Altstadt - Set 9 (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-611, Wikipedia)
- Fahrgastschiff "Kaiser Friedrich" (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-612, Map, Wikipedia)
- Rathaus Michelstadt : town hall; J. F. Schreiber 1986, pub.nbr. 71354, ISBN 9783480713547; Maßstab 1:120, 1,5 sheets, size (cm) 31x44 (cat.# LP-614, AGK DB, Map, Site, Wikipedia)
- Stadt-Ensemble Hameln (entry not yet consolidated) (cat. #LP-615, AGK DB, Hameln, Leisthaus, Map Leisthaus, Map Rats-Schänke (Rattenkrug), Map Rattenfängerhaus, Rattenfängerhaus)
- Off road : Walter Ruffler um 2009, pub.nbr. WR001d; no scale, 4 sheets, size (cm) A4 (cat.# LP-616, AGK DB)
biker with pillion rider
That's it, and the "yet to build" list looks like it should keep me busy (and happy) deep into old age, especially when considering that somehow it grows faster than I build the models (and that "old age" is getting nearer day by day).
I will answer any questions gladly, time permitting. Which is, as things are today, a big "if" I am afraid.
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site master.
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