
Cry Havoc! Game Replay

Author: Lutz Pietschker
Version: 1998

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Lady Edith's Abduction and Rescue

This is an edited collection of all messages exchanged in one Cry Havoc! PBEM game. It was a small scenario describing Sir Gilbert's attempt to rescue Lady Edith. The Lady was promised to him, but robbed shortly before marriage by that villainous knight Sir Richard. The Lady was retrieved from the fangs of Sir Richard, and he was punished for the deed- but at what a cost!

Players were Neil Stevens and Lutz Pietschker who also formulated the PBM rules for the game. Actually, the scenario was a playtest for the PBM rules. Note that the game does not use the extended rules but the original Cry Havoc rules, including the old missile tables from the Standard Games edition. The mapboard co-ordinate system used is described on my Cry Havoc Maps page.

Scenario Set-Up


your PBM proposals have re-kindled my interest in this excellent game. Having browsed your notes I am happy with them although I only have 2 modules; CH! and Siege. Anyway how about a small game to get things warmed up a bit? I do not promise dazzling game play for it is some years since I last played this game but we will get things started.

Maps: The Village, Side 3 is North (Door in Building 1 is hex D13)

Background: Somewhere in medieval England a knight attempts to win back the hand-in-marriage of the maid he has been promised. Sir Gilbert (you!) and a band of loyal followers intend to sack the village where she is hiding and put to the sword any of the retenue of Sir Richard of Bolston. He claims to be in love with the maiden and has sworn not to let her fall into your hands. You have won her hand in marriage fair and square in a jousting tournament and will not see your prize plucked from underneath your nose by an arrogant young knight (me). :-)
Sir Richard has shown himself to be no more than a peasant in this matter of honour.

As you arrive at the village you notice Sir Richard's troop dispositions:

G10 Crossbow Codemar
I5 Crossbow Francis
I10 Bill Tybalt
K9 Halberd Geoffrey
K10 Knight Sir Piers (Foot)
L7/L8 Horse (Sir Richard's)
K7 Knight Sir Richard
M12 Civilian Leopold
M13 Civilian Edith
N11 Peasant Smith
P14 Peasant Radult
Q8 Sh Bow Mathias
Q11 Knight Sir Roland (Foot)
R9 Bill Robin
R10 Halberd Frederick
R11/R12 Horse (Sir Roland's)
S6 Crossbow Jacopa

The Attackers

As per Cry Havoc Scenario #3 "City Sack".

Enter along any point of side 1 or side 4 with full movement allowance


This should be enough to get us going. Is there anything else you need to know? I do count this as a warm up game :-)
Hope to hear from you soon.


GT1: Sir Gilbert attacks

I fired a shot into the dark when I asked if there was any CH player around, and I did not really expect such a quick response. My experience with the game is a bit rusty, too, and though I believe I own most items published around it, most of the counters never hit the board in earnest. Ich freue mich, dich zu treffen! (This is a German pun, for "treffen" means both "to hit" and "to meet". Glad to meet/hit you!)

Enough of the preliminaries. Here now cometh my GT1:

"Follow me, my brave men! To the rescue of fair Lady Edith!"

Shortbowmen 1st fire:

Aylward (sh.bow): n/a (offboard)
Engerrand (sh.bow): n/a (offboard)


Sir Gilbert: w16, w15, w14, v14 ("Edith, my beloved, where are you?")
Sir Conrad: z7, y7, x8
Sir Clugney: m16, m15, m14 (breathing heavily)
Sir Peter: i16, i15
Sir William: z9, y9, x9
Sir James: u16, u15, u14

Aylward (shortbow): q16, q15, p15
Engerrand (shortbow): z3, y4, x5

Wynken (halberd): z4, y4, x4, w3
Tom (halberd): e16, e15, e14
Naymes (halberd): s16, s15, s14, t14, u13
Watkin (halberd): z7, y7, x7, w6

Bertin (spear): i16, i15, i14
Hal (spear): e16, e15, e14, d14, d13, c12
Crispin (spear): e16, e15, e14, d14, d13
Odo (spear): w16, w15, w14, w13, v13
Wat (spear): u16, u15, t15, t14
Perkin (spear): i16, h16, h15, h13
Mark (spear): k16, k15, k14, j14
Ben (spear): u16, u15, t16, t14, s13

Shortbowmen 2nd fire:

Aylward: Radult, 38:4 =9-1, med. cover =7-1, dr 7: Radult retreat 2 hexes "Woe is me! What a lousy shot!"
Engerrand: - (sorting twigs out of his quiver)

You do not need to send a file of your ammo supply, as I trust you to let fair Edith count arrows for your party and do not let the untrustworthy Richard of Bolston do it.
I will keep a record of situations that request negotiation, so that I can include them into the PBM rules. Also, I will scan the rules of the newer games for errata and clarifications that are applicable.

I throw the gauntlet to you, robber knight!
Lutz aka Pun the Hun

GT1, Sir Richard

May the battle commence. Let true love conquer all!

Radult retreats to hex N13 (doorway)

Perkin (spear) You moved him from hex H15 to H13! You may be able to fly in the fantasy version (Dark Blades) but I don't believe he has any wings in CH! :-) What about a rule stating that for illegal moves the character remains in the last legal hex? It might concentrate our minds to get it right.

T1 - Richard, 1. Sh Bow Fire 1

Nil. Caught myself out here. Mathias could not fire at the desired target because he can not fire at a target in medium cover whilst firing over intermediate characters.

2. Cross Bow Fire

Codemar (G10) fires at Tom (E14)
60:7 = 8:1 dr = 7 Result = Tom wounded

First blood to the good guys. I presume you threw him out into the open to prevent me moving Codemar away. Some leader you are! (vbg) Your troops should see the folly of remaining with such a black knight.

Jacopa (S6) fires at Sir Conrad (X8)
60:10 = 6:1 Lt Cover = 5:1 dr = 7 Result = Miss (More archery practice required I fear)

3. Movement

Sir Piers (K10) moves J11, I11, H11, G11 stops
Tybalt (I10) moves H11, G11, F11 stops
Geoffrey (K9) moves J10, I10, H10, G9, F10 stops
Sir Richard (K7) mounts horse L7/L8 Sound of battle fanfare!
Francisco (I5) moves J5, K5, L6, M6, M7, M8 stops
Mathias (Q8) moves Q9 stops

4. Sh Bow Fire 2

Mathias (Q9) fires at Sir Conrad (X8)
38:10 = 3:1 Lt Cover = 2:1 dr = 5 Result = Miss

Pretty uneventful all round but we are set up for an interesting game I think.

Lady Edith's honour remains intact; for the time being anyway! You should quit while the going is good, Sir, for all your efforts will be to no avail.


GT2, Gilbert

I agree with the rule about illegal moves, so Perkin stays in h13. I will number every single hex on the mapboard now, I believe.

Poor Tom! In fact he fell victim to a writing mistake, too. And Conrad assumed that the Siege rules about shooting over intervening slope lips apply, which by Sir Gilbert's own rule is not the case. Lucky one!

Gilbert GT2:

"Around the corners and in through the windows, my men!"

Shortbowmen 1st fire:

Aylward (sh.bow): -
Engerrand (sh.bow): -


Sir Gilbert: v14, v13, u12
Sir Conrad: x8, w7, v7
Sir Clugney: m14, n15, o14, p15
Sir Peter: i15, i14, h14
Sir William: x9, w8, v8
Sir James: u14, t14, s13, s12

Aylward (sh.bow): p15, p14, p13, p12
Engerrand (sh.bow): x5, x6, x7, w7
Wynken (halb.): w3, v4, u4, t4, s4, r4
Tom (halb.): e14, d14, d13
Naymes (halb.): u13, u12, u11, t11
Watkin (halb.): w6, v6, u5, t5, s4, s3
Bertin (spear): i14, j14, j13, j12
Hal (spear): c12, c11, c10, d10, e9
Crispin (spear): d13, d12, c11, d11, e10
Odo (spear): v13, v12, v11, v10, u9, t9, s8 (cover against Mathias)
Wat (spear): t14, s14, r15, q14, p15, o14
Perkin (spear): h13, i14, j14
Mark (spear): j14, j13, i12, h12
Ben (spear): s13, s12, s11, s10 (cover against Mathias)

Shortbowmen 2nd fire:

2 =12-1, med. cover =10-1, dr 3: Radult dead in n13. "Got you at last!"

Engerrand (sh.bow): - (still sorting twigs out of his quiver)

Do your worst, Richard Maidenthief!

GT2, Richard of Bolston

Short Bow Fire 1


Cross Bow Fire

Jacopa (S6) fires at Sir Conrad (V7)
60:10 = 6:1 Med Cover = 4:1 dr = 10 Miss!

Methinks Sir Richard will have to invest in glasses for his Cross-Bow men!


Leopold (M12) moves N13, O13, P14 stops to admire the view!
Smith (N11) moves N12, N13, O12
Codemar (G10) moves G9, G8, G7
Sir Piers (G11) moves H11, I11
Tybalt (F11) moves G10, H11, I11, I12
Mathias (Q9) moves P10, O9, N10, M9, L10
Francisco (M8) moves L9, M9, N9, O8, P8, P7
Frederick (R10) moves Q10, P11
Robin (R9) moves Q9, Q10, P11, O11
Sir Richard on horse waving his lance (L7/L8) moves L8/L9, L8/M9, M9/N10, O9/N10, P10/P9, Q9/P10, R9/Q9

Short Bow Fire 2

Mathias (L10) fires at Ben (S10)
38:6 = 6:1 Med Cover = 4:1 dr = 5 Ben Retreats 2 hexes


Smith (O12), Robin (O11), Frederick (P11) and Sir Roland (Q11) attack Aylward
43:6 = 7:1 Terrain Advantage to Defender = 6:1 dr = 7, Defender Retreat one hex. Aylward cannot retreat therefore he is Wounded.

Sir Piers (I11), and Tybalt (I12) attack Mark (H12)
22:6 = 3:1 dr = 4 Defender Retreat one Hex, Mark cannot retreat therefore he is Wounded.

Sir Richard (R9/Q9) attempts to skewer Odo with his lance
30:5 = 6:1 dr = 3 Odo is Killed

Lady Luck lies with the righteous so far today, Sir. Lady Edith meanwhile is in shock after witnessing the poor Radult slain at her very feet. How could she ever love someone who has ordered such barbarity? She is heartened to see her trusted manservant Leopold and the courageous peasant Smith rush to her rescue. Sir Richard, astride his favourite charger, Hurricane, is now taunting Sir Gilbert and his fellow knights who are cowering in the trees and beyond the crest of the slope. "Come out and fight like men!"


GT3, Gilbert

so by now we mean business, it seems.

Lucky Sir Conrad! This time it was a calculated risk.
Ben retreats to U10.

Heavy toll so far, but no sacrifice can be too expensive for the (lightly shaking, by now) hand of Lady Edith.

Gilbert GT3:

"Hold that building! Surround that mounted scoundrel! Hold on, my brave friends, I am coming to your aid."

Shortbowmen 1st fire:

Aylward (sh.bow): fires at Leopold; 38:2 =12-1, dr 8: killed. What a view! Luckily, Lady Edith had not to watch this.
Engerrand (sh.bow): -


Sir Gilbert: u12, t12, s11 (what a hero he is!)
Sir Conrad: v7, u7, t8, s8
Sir Clugney: p15, p14
Sir Peter: h14, g13, g12, g11, f11
Sir William: v8, u8, t9, s9
Sir James: s12, s11, s10, r10

Aylward (sh.bow): p12, p13, o13, n13
Engerrand (sh.bow): w7, w6, x6
Wynken (halb.): r4, q4
Tom (halb.): d13, e12, f12, g11
Naymes (halb.): t11, s10, r10, q10
Watkin (halb.): s3, r4, q3, p4, o4, n4, m3
Bertin (spear): j12
Hal (spear): e9
Crispin (spear): e10
Wat (spear): o14, p15, p14, p13
Perkin (spear): j14, j13
Mark (spear): h12, h13
Ben (spear): s10, t10, s10, r10, q10, p10, p9

Shortbowmen 2nd fire:

Aylward (sh.bow): at Smith, 38:5 = 7-1, dr 5: wounded
Engerrand (sh.bow): -


Aylward + Wat against Smith: 10:2 = 5-1, dr 8: Aylward retreat to n12

Mark, Perkin, Brtin against Tybalt: 20:6 = 3-1, dr 9: n/e

Hal, Crispin, Sir Peter against Geoffrey: 28:6 = 4-1, terr. 3-1, dr 10: n/e

Ben, Naymes, Sir James, Sir William, Sir Conrad against Sir Richard: 52:14 = 3-1, dr 2: retreat 1 hex: wounded, but still on horseback (I presume). "That will teach him!"

What a brawl!

GT3, Richard

The game is still finely balanced so here goes for another turn for the heroes.

T3 Sir Richard, 1. Short Bow Fire

Mathias L10 fires at Ben P9
38:6 = 6:1 dr = 6 Ben retreats 2 hexes

2. Crossbow Fire

Codemar G7 fires at Tom G11
60:4 = 12:1+ dr = 1 Slightly dead!!

3. Move

Geoffrey F10 moves G10, H11, I10
Mathias L10 moves M10, N10
Sir Richard (mounted) Q9/R9 moves P10/Q9, O10/P10
Sir Roland mounts his horse R11/R12
Francisco P7 moves O7, O8
Jacopa S6 moves R6, Q6, P7, O7, O8, O9

4. Short Bow Fire 2

Mathias N10 fires at Aylward N12
38:3 = 12:1 dr =5 Aylward Killed

5. Combat

Sir Roland (mounted) R11/R12 attacks Naymes Q10
30:7 = 4:1 Terrain Adv = 3:1 dr = 2 Naymes Stunned

Frederick decides to put Naymes to the sword....
Frederick P11 attacks Naymes (stunned) Q10
12:1 Def Adv = 11:1 dr = 9 Naymes Wounded, therefore he is Killed (2nd wound)

Sir Richard (mounted) P10/O10, Jacopa O9 and Francisco O8 atack Ben P9
28:6 = 4:1 dr = 3 Ben Wounded

Sir Piers I11 and Tybalt I12 attack Bertin J12
22:7 = 3:1 dr = 3 Bertin Stunned

I have again been fortuitous with my dice rolls but I have yet to get a result against any of your knights. This is probably because they have all been hiding. The rumour is that Sir Gilbert has stopped in the woods to attend to his toilet. Of course Sir Richard and his brave retinue have inspired such fear into more worthy opponents than Sir Gilbert.

Over to you.

GT4, Gilbert


Ben retreats to N9. Poor Tom!

I am not sure if Roland could have attacked at all because he has just mounted, and that "takes an entire turn". Anyway, this is a warmup, and so we let the result stand (I noted the question for further discussion).

Gilbert GT4:

"Kill that traitor knight! And protect my dear Edith from the evil ones."


Sir Gilbert: s11, s10, r10, q10
Sir Conrad: s8, r9, q8
Sir Clugney: p14, p13, p12
Sir Peter: f11, g10, g9, g8
Sir William: s9, r10, q10, q11, p13, p13
Sir James: r10, q9, p9

Engerrand (sh.bow): x6, w6, v7, u7, t8
Wynken (halb.): q4, p4, p5, p6
Watkin (halb.): m3, l4, k3, k4
Bertin (spear): j12
Hal (spear): e9, f10, f9, f8
Crispin (spear): e10, f10, g9, g8, h8
Wat (spear): p13, o13, n13, (with Edith) o13, p14
Perkin (spear): j13
Mark (spear): h13
Ben (spear): n9

Shortbowmen 2nd fire:

Engerrand (sh.bow): at Richard, 38:7 =5-1, dr 6, retreat 4 hexes.
He may not retreat through characters, so he is dead, and his horse stays in o10/p10. Serves him right!


Sir William attacks Smith, 11:2 =5-1, dr 9: Sir William wounded! All of the lousy...

Sir James + Ben attack Jacopa: 14:7 = 2-1, dr 5: James retreats to q9.

Hal, Sir Peter, Crispin attack Codemar: 28:6 =4-1, dr 8: Crispin wounded

Flip stunned:

Bertin awakes.

Done. What a bad luck! Fate is playing dirty tricks with the pursuers of true love, I believe.


GT4, Richard

Well you certainly had your share of bad luck on the last game turn. You seemed to roll plenty of "9"s. Long may it continue I say!

About Sir Richard: I can see you already dancing over his grave but your scouts have been telling you lies. With missile combat a defender can retreat through _friendly_ characters.
Sir Richard therefore retreats as follows: P10/O10, N10/O10, M9/N10, L9/M9, L8/L9 which I believe is a legal move.

What do you think?

Let me know how you agree/disagree with my findings and then I will play my turn.

Still GT4, Richard

...pardon me... Sir Neil,

I humbly admit that I have a whole lot of analphabets in my ranks. Makes playing a bit difficult, of course. I am most disconcerted if I think about what my sweet Lady Edith will say when She hears of all the blunders made in her name.

Sir Richard... sad to say, for a moment I really saw him dead. Well, lover's eyes are not as clear as other men's, and now I realize that Engerrand fired at a phantom. That crawling around in the trees obviously did him no good. Probably shot himself a few toadstools down there.

What I think? I think I will kill Sir Richard later, of course.
By the way, what do think about Sir Richard's mount + combat? Was I right at least in that point?

I will now think about preparing a 'haiku' for my knights in the street, for they certainly face hard times. May the Dice be with them!


still GT4, Richard


I should be apologizing. Of course Ben moved to P9. Consider him there. Watkin is in K4 :-) How dare you write Sir Richard off so easily! Thou shalt see more of his sword and lance this game I can assure you!

Your point about the mounting/combat. Reading the rules again it does clearly say it takes the whole turn to mount. I therefore must agree with you that combat should not be allowed on mounting. However if you consider that an archer can fire twice, move and be involved in a fight all in one turn maybe it would make more sense to allow a knight to fight and read the rule as being, "use all of a characters movement allowance." Is this matter clarified in any of the later games? If not I think we should agree that combat is not allowed on the turn of mounting :-(

Anyway to horse......

T4 Sir Richard and his Brave Men, Short Bow Fire 1

Mathias N10 fires at Sir James Q9
38:8 4:1 dr = 8 Miss

2. Cross Bow Fire

Francisco O8 fires at Sir Conrad
60:10 6:1 dr = 10 Miss

Gadzooks! Has my luck deserted me?

3. Movement

Sir Richard mounted (Wounded) L8/L9 moves
M9/L9, M9/N10, N10/O10, O10/P10 Back into the fray.

Robin O11 moves P11, Q11
Geoffrey I10 moves H10, G9, F9
Sir Piers I11 moves I10, H10, G9
Tybalt I12 moves I11, I10, H10, H9
Mathias N10 moves N11, N12, N13

5. Combat

Geoffrey, Sir Piers, Tybalt and Codemar attack Sir Peter G8
40:9 4:1 dr = 10 No Effect

Sir Roland, Robin, Frederick and Sir Richard attack Sir Gilbert Q10
67:10 6:1 Defender Terrain Adv = 5:1 dr = 3 Sir Gilbert is Wounded! Thrice Huzzah!

Is Sir Gilbert about to be slain by Sir Richard? Is the Lady Edith about to be kidnapped from under Sir Richard's very nose?

Francisco and Jacopa attack Ben N9
13:3 4:1 dr = 2 Defender Wounded = Ben Killed

Building 3 is turning into a bloody skirmish as the bodies pile high.
Unhand Lady Edith you scoundrel!


GT5, Gilbert

well, later rules state more or less the same about dismounting ("...takes a character one complete turn", Outremer) as CH!. If you consider the weight of armour etc., perhaps they do not mount that easily... I will give this some thought and hope, in the meanwhile, that I will dismount your knights permanently next time :-)

But there we are again... glasses for your archers?


Wat: p14 to p15 (Edith to p14)
Sir William: p13 to o13
Mark h12 to h11, i11
Sir Peter g8 to f8, f7, g6
Perkin j13 to i11, h11, g10, f10
Bertin j12 to i11, j11, k10, l11, m10
Watkin l5, l6, l7, l8, l9, m9
Wynken p6 to p7, o7
Sir James q9 to p9
Sir Gilbert q10 to q9
Sir Conrad q8 to q9, q10
Engerrand t8 to s8, r9, q8


Wynken and Sir James against Francisco o8:
10+12 =22:7 = 3:1, terrain 2-1, dr 9: n/e

Sir Conrad, Sir Clugney attack Frederick p11:
13+13 =26:8 =3:1, terrain 4-1, dr 7: Sir Conrad retreats to r10

Hal, Crispin, Sir Peter against Codemar g7:
8+4+12 =24:6 =4:1, dr 7: Sir Peter retreat to h6

It is a sorry sight to see men fight so bravely for an unworthy leader (sorry: de mortui nil nisi bene). Sir Gilbert promises to let them go unharmed if they repent!


GT5, Richard

As for multiple attacks I think the result can only effect one defender, even for a retreat. The retreat may give enough space to move somebody else in to help out the defender or enable him to escape. In reality one man might hold off three men for a little while but he could not make all three run away (retreat) in one round of combat; unless of course his name was Sir Richard. :-)

This is how I see the game at the moment (Attacker/Defender):

Codemar G7/Sir Peter H6
Tybalt H9/Hal F8
Sir Piers G9/Crispin H8
Geoffrey F9 Mark I11
Mathias N13 Watkin M9
Francisco O8 Bertin M10
Jacopa O9 Wynken O7
Sir Richard O10/P10 Sir James P9
Frederick P11 Sir Clugney P12
Smith O12 Edith (captured) P14
Robin Q11 Wat P15
Sir Roland R11/R12 Sir William O13
Engerrand Q8
Sir Gilbert Q9
Sir Conrad R10

We will get there in the end! This game will be very useful to refine the PBM rules.

still GT5, Richard

Your days I fear are numbered!

T5 Sir Richard, Short Bow Fire 1

Mathias N13 fires at Sir William O13
38:4 9:1 No Cover dr = 3 Sir William Killed

Too late to save Lady Edith I fear.

2. Cross Bow Fire

Jacopa O9 fires at Sir James P9
60:8 7:1 No Cover dr = 2 Sir James Killed

3. Movement

Codemar G7 moves G8, G9, H10, I10, J11, K10
Tybalt H9 moves H10, I10, J11
Sir Piers G9 moves H10, I10
Geoffrey F9 moves G9, H10, H11
Francisco O8 moves P9
Robin Q11 moves P11, O11
Sir Roland (mounted) R11/R12 moves Q11/R12
Mathias N13 moves O13, P13

4. Short Bow Fire 2

Mathias P13 fires at Sir Clugney P12
38:10 3:1 Def Med Cover dr = 7 Miss

5. Combat

Sir Roland, Frederick, Robin, Smith and Mathias attack Sir Clugney P12
60:10 = 6:1 Defender + 5:1 dr = 8 Attacker retreats 1 hex, Smith retreats to N13

Sir Richard (m)(w) and Francisco attack Sir Gilbert (w) Q9
21:5 = 4:1 dr = 5 Defender Stunned: Sir Gilbert Killed

Sir Richard has the satisfaction of wiping the blood of Sir Gilbert from his Lance :-)

Geoffrey, Sir Piers, and Tybalt attack Mark I11
33:3 = 11:1 Def + 10:1 dr = 8 Def Wounded Mark Killed

I must hurry to save my Darling Lady Edith.


GT6 Gilbert

I will continue to call my side "Gilbert", in memoriamof the deceased. Just as the lady was saved, fate (and Sir Richard of the Nine Lives) struck! The incident shall teach us that going to war needs a cool head, preferably (and a pair of glasses to read hex coordinates).

Short bow fire:

Engerrand q8 at Francisco p9: 38:7 =5-1, dr 4: Francisco wounded


Wat: p15 (Edith p14) to p16 (Edith p15)
Sir Peter h6 to h7, h8, h9, h10
Perkin f10 to g10
Crispin h8 to g8, g9, f10
Hal f8 to g8, g9, g10, g11
Bertin m10 to n10
Watkin m9 to n9
Wynken o7 to o8
Sir Clugney p12 to o12, o13, p14
Sir Conrad r10 to q10
Engerrand q8 to s8

Shortbow 2nd fire:

Engerrand q8 at Sir Richard: 38:7 =5-1, dr 5: retreat: Will he die this time? I believe he did! (dead in q9).


Bertin, Watkin, Wynken against Jacopa o9: 31:7 =4-1, dr 3: wounded

Sir Peter, Perkin, Hal against Geoffrey h11: 27:6 =4-1, dr 10: n/e

So things are still going on lively in the village (no offence, Sir Richard) while Wat steals away with Lady Edith. The opponents dead one upon the other in one hex! What would Hollywood make of this story! Will Edith fall in love with humble Wat? What will her parents say?


GT6, Richard

I am afraid I have to report that Sir Richard has indeed fallen in a struggle dedicated to true love. Revenge for our brave leader shall be ours before this field of battle is quit!

1. Short Bow Fire 1

Mathias P13 fires at Sir Clugney P14
38:10 No Cover 3:1 dr = 5, Miss

Mathias is now carefully inspecting his quiver and counting his arrows! Oh Dear! Not many left!

2. Cross Bow Fire

Francisco P9 fires at Wynken O8
60:8 7:1 Med Cover 5:1 dr = 2 Wynken Killed

Codemar K10 fires at Bertin N10
60:7 8:1 No Cover dr = 6 Bertin Wounded

3. Movement

Sir Roland (m) Q11/R12 moves R11/R12
Robin O11 moves P12, Q11
Mathias P13 bored with shooting at Sir Clugney moves O12, N13, N12, N11
Jacopa O9 moves P9, Q9
Tybalt J11 moves K10, L11, M10
Geoffrey H11 moves I11

4. Short Bow Fire 2

Mathias N11 fires at Bertin N10
38:4 9:1 No Cover dr = 7 Wounded Bertin Killed

5. Combat

Sir Roland, Robin and Frederick attack Sir Conrad Q10
52:10 5:1 Def+ 4:1 dr = 2 Sir Conrad Wounded

So neither Knight has won the hand of the fair maiden. Such was life and death in the Fourteenth Century! It will actually be quite interesting to work out who has won this game (technically) at the end. I daresay you will claim a moral victory as it looks like you will have succeeded in your efforts to steal :-) Lady Edith. I do believe Sir Clugney is looking for a wife!


GT7, Gilbert

cool warrior, that Mathias... counting arrows so near to Sir Clugneys sword.

Anyway, I inspected all houses of that poor village and did not find many things to take home with me. Perhaps I should inspect Sir Richards chests and drawers for the villager's valuables! Time to beat for retreat I think. I think Clugney got suspicious of Wat and Edith, after all.

Short bow fire:

Engerrand s8 at Francisco p9: 38:4= 9-1, dr 4: very dead indeed.


Wat: p16 (Edith p15) exits the map. The Lady is saved!
Sir Peter h10, h11
Perkin g10
Crispin f10, e10, d11, c11
Hal g11, g10, h10
Watkin n9, m9, l10
Sir Clugney p14 to p15
Sir Conrad q10 snatches Richards horse and moves r10, s10 (horse q10, r10)!
Engerrand s8

Shortbow 2nd fire:

Engerrand s8 at Jacopa q9: 38:3 =12-1, dr 10 (indeed!): anyway, exit Mr. Jacopa. Bodies begin to hinder movement, by and by.


Watkin against Codemar k10: 10:6 =1-1, dr 1: defender retreat 1 hex

Sir Peter, Hal against Sir Piers i10: 20:8 =2-1, dr 5: Sir Peter retreats to g11.

Just imagine Sir Roland bottled up in that courtyard behind the ass of his late master's horse! If that is not moral victory...


GT7, Richard

Well our dramatic encounter nears its conclusion. Lady Edith is dragged off into the setting sun. Let us hope that that scoundrel Wat treats her how a lady of high station should be treated.

Codemar retreats to hex J11

3. Movement

Mathias N11 moves N10, O10, P10
Codemar J11 moves K10, L11, M10, N10, O9, P9
Sir Piers I10 moves J10, K9
Geoffrey I11 moves J11, K10
Frederick P11
Robin Q11
Sir Roland (m) R11/R12
Smith N13 moves O12, P12

With regard to moving through hexes occupied by horses. Page 8 of the CH! Rules, under the "Mounting and Dismounting" para, says that a horse being led is treated as an extension of the character counter. Therefore I cannot move my men out of the courtyard. If you leave the horse there you might yet escape with Sir Conrad but with a wounded move of 2 you will be lucky.

4. Short Bow Fire 2

Mathias P10 fires at Engerrand S8
38:4 9:1 Med Cover = 7:1 dr = 2 Engerrand Killed

A thought: What about archers and cross-bow men being allowed to "pinch" arrows/bolts from the bodies of other archers/cross-bow men? This might give you a clue about Mathias' predicament!

5. Combat

Sir Piers, Geoffrey and Tybalt attack Watkin L10
33:6 5:1 No Cover dr = 5 Watkin Stunned

Well back to you, Sire, and your chance to extricate yourself from the folly of the Village and leave me to plunder the bodies and take the spoils of war that are mine.


GT8, Gilbert

the "pinching" rule is already included in later rules, and in my rule set, and I will think about a clarification of the rules about leading an animal.

Well, things do not look too good in the village by now for me, but I cannot leave my brave men to your mercy.


Sir Clugney p15 to q14, r15, s14, t14
Sir Conrad s10 (with the horse) to t10, u10
Crispin c11 to c12, d13, d14 saving his hide
Sir Peter g11 to h11, i10, j10
Hal h10 to i10, j11
Perkin g10 to g11


Sir Peter against Sir Piers:
12:8 =1-1, dr 6: n/e

Hal against Geoffrey:
8:6 = 1-1, dr 10: n/e

Of course, this brave if insane conduct is only to allow Watkin a chance to save himself.

Unstun Watkin L10

So the sun sets slowly upon a scene that all people madly in love should remember for all times.


GT8, Richard

Cross Bow Fire

Codemar fires at Watkin L10
60:6 No Cover 10:1 dr = 3 Watkin Killed

Your rush to save him was to no avail.


Sir Roland (m) R11/R12 moves Q10, R10, S9, T9, U9, V10, V11/V10
Frederick P11 moves Q10, R10, S9, T9, U9
Sir Piers K9
Geoffrey K10
Mathais P10 moves Q10, R10, S9, T9
Smith P12 moves P13, P14
Robin Q11 moves Q10, P10, O9, N10, M9
Tybalt M10
Codemar P9


Sir Roland (m) and Frederick attack Sir Conrad
42:5 8:1 No Adv dr = 10 Sir Conrad Retreat 1 Hex; I believe T11 is your only option.

Sir Piers and Geoffrey attack Sir Peter
22:9 No Adv 2:1 dr = 8 No Effect

I have assumed in my move that the horse Sir Conrad is leading is in T10/S10. I think that both the final hexes of a horse, after movement, need to be stated to avoid confusion.


GT9, Gilbert

About horse movement, there is a lot of confusion in later rules. Yes, it is in s10/t10, and just followed in the wake of Sir Conrad.

My brave ones have done their duty I believe.


Sir Clugney t14, t15, t16. He obviously thinks he has done his deal.
Sir Conrad t11 (without the horse) to s10, s9
Crispin d14 to d15, d16, d17
Sir Peter j10 to i10, h11, g11, f12
Hal j11 to i10, h11, g11, g12
Perkin g11 to f11, e11


Sir Conrad attacks Mathias at 1-1: dr 2: retreat to r10. He knows he is lost and busily thinks about that haiku, but always comes up with limericks instead.

Sundown for the late Sir Gilbert's men.


GT9, Richard

Indeed Sir Conrad would have been better off if he had tried to tell limericks from the beginning.....

Cross Bow Fire

Codemar fires at Sir Conrad R10
60:5 12:1 No Cover dr = 3 Sir Conrad Killed


Sir Piers K9 moves J10, I10, H11, G11
Geoffrey K10 moves J11, I10, H11, G10, F11
Tybalt M10 moves L11, K10, J11, I10, H11, G10
Robin M9 moves L10, K10, J11, I10, H11
Sir Roland (m) V11/V10 moves V12, V13, V14, W14, W15, V16, V16/U16
Frederick U9 moves U10, V11, V12, V13, V14
Mathias T9 moves U9, U10, V11, V12, V13, U13
Smith P14
Codemar P9

Oh for an arrow in Mathias' quiver!


Sir Roland (m) attacks Sir Clugney T16
30:10 No Adv 3:1 dr = 3 Sir Clugney Stunned
Interesting. Sir Clugney may yet fall to the sword.

Sir Piers and Geoffrey attack Sir Peter F12
22:9 No Adv 2:1 dr = 2 Sir Peter Retreats 1 Hex
I am helping you on your way!

The game nears it's end.


GT10, Gilbert

will Sir Clugney survive? By this time, Smith really can enjoy the view!

Sir Peter retreats to f13


Hal g12 to g13, f14, e14, d15, c15
Perkin e11 to e12, e13, e14, e15, e16
Sir Peter f13 to f14, e14, e15, d16
Crispin d17 exits

Un-stun Sir Clugney


GT 10, Richard

on with the fray....


Frederick V14 moves U13, T14, T15
Mathias U13 moves T14, S14, S15, S16
Smith P14 (Cheering lustily!)
Codemar P9 moves Q8, R9, S9, T9, U9, V10

Could I have moved through Sir Richard's horse?

Geoffrey F11 moves F12, F13, E13, D14, C14, B15
Tybalt G10 moves F11, F12, F13, E13, D14, C14
Robin H11 moves G11, F12, F13, E13, D14, D15
Sir Piers G11 (Puffing to keep up) moves G12, F13, F14, E14


Sir Roland (m), Frederick and Mathias attack Sir Clugney T16
47:10 4:1 No Adv dr = 4 Sir Clugney Stunned!
"Get back down!"

Geoffrey, Tybalt and Robin attack Hal C15
32:6 5:1 No Adv dr = 5 Hal Stunned - One more for the cemetery methinks!

One other quick point. I think it needs to be stated whether a missile can be fired at a character along a hexside when one of the hexes forming the hexside is occupied by a character. For example a crossbow in T6 fires at a character in W11. If a character is stood in hex W10 does this block the line of sight? We have been playing that it does not block line of sight but I think it needs clarifying.


GT 11, Gilbert

That Hal really puts me in a dilemma...

>Could I have moved through Sir Richard's horse?
I believe you could. A horse is neutral, after all, and I would say even if led.

>One other quick point...
I think that on a hex border always the lighter of two LOS hindrances/covers is taken, so shooting would only be forbidden if both hexes were occupied.

Back to the game:


Heros, that is what they are, trying to save Hal:

Sir Peter d16 to c16, b16
Perkin e16 to d16, c16, b16, a15


Sir Peter and Perkin against Geoffrey b15: 19:6 =3-1, dr 4: retreat 1 hex, knave! (I believe b14 is the only choice.)

Un-stun Sir Clugney of the Thick Skull, and Hal


GT 11, Richard

Our game is now at a close if you so choose after this turn....

Geoffrey, as you say, retreats to B14


Geoffrey B14 moves to B15
Sir Piers E14 moves to E15, D16
Codemar V10 moves W10, W11, W12, W13, W14 Carefully puts a bolt into his Cross bow!
Smith P14
Frederick T15
Mathias S16
Sir Roland (m) U16/V16
Robin D15
Tybalt C14


Sir Roland, Frederick & Mathias attack Sir Clugney T16
47:10 4:1 No Adv dr = 9 No Effect

Sir Piers, Robin, Tybalt & Geoffrey attack Hal C15
43:6 7:1 No Adv dr = 3 Hal Killed

I daresay your remaining survivors will choose to retire gracefully at this point. They will leave the battlefield with the resounding "huzzahs" of the victors ringing in their ears! Back to you....


GT 12 (last turn), Gilbert

Poor Hal! His comrades did the best to save him, but to no avail. Sorry, Codemar, not another kill for you. That Clugney character is the true hero on Sir Gilbert's side, I think.

Yes, my men retreat and leave the village, thus ending the game. Of all those faithful ones, only a few are allowed to return to tell the story!


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, last change 2011-03-12